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" AYLAH" Sebastian's roar echoed through the dark room, making Aylah's breathe hitch.

She turned back mustering all the courage, as she was being watched by the creator who never leaves his servant behind.

But the scene in front of her made her whole body to shiver and beads of sweat to form on her forehead. Sebastian's eyes was red and his knuckles turned white because of the hold on the belt in his hand.

Aylah knew what was coming next, as it wasn't new to her. But being whipped wasnt a happy thing, it hurts because Aylah already had a lot of fresh bruises on he back because of the whipping a week ago.

Sebastian came near to Aylah while she took a step back, clenching the corner of her scarf tightly in her fist.

" Aylah, what the hell do you think you are doing at this time of night rather than sleeping?" Sebastian yelled making Aylah flinch.

" I was talking to my creator" Aylah said staring right into her father's eyes, but that made Sebastian blood rushed into his veins as he lost all his temper.

She knew she was going to be dead now, but a bitter thought came to her mind whatever maybe her greedy father wont kill her as she was his jackpot deal and he would never dump it.

Sebastian raised the belt and Aylah turned right, causing the belt to fall on her hip making her whimper in pain and bit her lips not to scream showing her pity situation.

He hit her hardly on her back and arms continously, making blood stain to be visible on the white cloth which  she was wearing.

Another hit on her thigh, made Aylah to lose all her control and scream on the top of her lungs as she couldn't take the pain in her thigh, as it was unbearable. It was sure that she would have got a very recognizable bruise in her thigh.

Aylah fell down, clenching her thigh while tears fell down continously without a break, and she felt dizzy as she couldn't take anymore but tried to be stable.

Aylah's mother and Jane the old woman who was the servant, came running upstairs to the dark room hearing Aylah's painful scream.

Aylah's mother had no hint of pain in her features, as she was another heartless women who always encouraged her husband to beat the shit out of her.

But Jane had tears brimming in her eyes, seeing the state of the poor girl and she hated herself for working for these heartless humans.

Aylah looked at the door where her mother and her favourite woman Jane stood with tears leaking out of her wrinkled eyes.

" MOM " Aylah cried with all the energy she had in her, looking at the woman who gave birth to her with no emotions in her face.

Loren, Aylah's mother came forward with a bore expression on her face rather than a pained one looking at her daughter who had Hope on her eyes that atleast today her mother would help her and pull her for a warming hug.

" You made a big mistake, Aylah! You ruined our image in the society, you made us bent our head low in front of our family and you deserve this and more worse than this. Seb, act like a man and bring her back to our religion" Her answer made Aylah's soft heart to clench and burn like a living fire.

How can a mother be so heartless? Money, made them heartless, fame made them ruthless, and overall greediness snatched the little bit of love they had in their heart away.

Aylah called her with all inch of love she had for her mother but what she always does is, encourge her father more and more to hit her and that always hit her like a dagger staright into her heart.

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