Chapter 4

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"BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEP shit, do I have to get up mumbled Alyssa" as she slapped her hand down on her alarm clock. She grabbed he phone and noticed there was a text from James, he wanted to know if she could come over this after noon and help him wash his car. She told him she had time and crawled out of her warm comfy bed. She cooked her self some pancakes, ate them, washed her dishes and walked upstairs to get ready she wore her hair in a somewhat messy bun and a turquoise crop top with high waisted shorts and light grey converse. She ran down stairs and left a note for her mom right be fore she slipped out the door.

When she arrived at James' house he was waiting for her outside.

"Hey beautiful."

" Ya right your just being an ass."

"No I'm serious your sexy."

She walked over and kissed his cheek

"Let's do this she said ."

"Way ahead of you he replied."

He ran and grabbed the hose and put some water in a bucket with some soap.she washed the hood and he got the windows in the process of rinsing he stay her a little so she dumped the bucket of soapy water on his head. He chased her around the car trying spray her but her dropped the hose on its button so it continued to spray. He grabbed her by the arm and put his other hand on her butt, and placed his hand on her waist she felt the tingle of his hands clenching her body. She ran her fingers through wet brown hair.

" Damn your beautiful"

"Shut up and kiss me."

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