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Corron woke to Adelyn packing up her bed roll. Corron sat up with a groan. He had been sleeping with an ancient Maple root sticking into his back. Trying to peer thought the trees to the sun, Corron guessed it was nearly seven in the morning.

“Leaving without me?” Questioned Corron groggily. Adelyn sighed, she was done packing her bedding and was eating an apple. Man she seems to like those.

“No, I knew you would wake eventually. Plus, I don’t know the exact way to the Grey Gate so I need you.”

“Nice to know I’m needed.” Grumbled Corron.

“What was that?” Adelyn seemed to have genuinely not heard him by the questioning look on her brow. 

“I said let’s get going.” Lied Corron.

“Waiting on you.” Adelyn bit into her apple leisurely. Corron had close to nothing to pack, and was ready in about a minute. Eating a piece of jerky, Corron shoved some dirt into the still smoldering ashes with the toe of his boot. “Corron, have you ever heard of the turbulent gorge?” Asked Adelyn with the slightest hint of worry in her voice. Turbulent gorge… turbulent gorge… Oh maybe she means Ice Gorge… I thought that was on the other side of the Grey Gate.

“Do you mean Ice Gorge? The one the Grey Gate is made on?” Questioned Corron

“Um, it was called that about three hundred years ago, but yes that Gorge.” Adelyn seamed even more troubled. Her brow was wrinkled in concern now. “Do you happen to know anything about it?”

“Can’t say I do, besides the fact that it’s filled with giant crystals of ice… Ice gorge is probably a better name for it anyway.” Adelyn started walking, not waiting for Corron. Girls. Their so hard to understand sometimes. Corron trudged off after her. Following behind Adelyn, Corron lost control of his thoughts.  

Corron’s father stared over him, his blue eyes twinkled.  Corron was laying up looking at him. “Get up son, I have a surprise for you.” Corron only six years old jumped out of his small deerskin-covered bed, and reached his arms up. His father bent down and gathered Corron into is arms, then swung him to his shoulders. “Watch your head!” cautioned Corron’s father as they went through the animal-skin door. Corron’s Mother was waiting outside with a smile on her young face.  Corron’s ten year old brother hopped up and down.

“Happy birthday Corron!” Father, son and Mother all shouted in harmony. Corron’s mother pulled out a large wooden bow from behind her back and gave it to Corron, who was still on his father’s shoulders.  

“Now Corron,” Reassured his father, “You’ll grow into it. I will help you pull and release, and before you know it, you’ll be an excellent hunter like your brother.” Corron’s father winked two his eldest son, who giggled joyfully. Corron’s mother joined in with her son, and soon the whole family was laughing, and whipping their eyes. Corron’s father stomped his boots as he laughed, a habit Corron thought he had for forever.  

Corron awoke from his daydream, still following behind Adelyn. He sighed and hung his head. Why can’t things be like they used to. Just my family and me… together.  Corron’s neck tingled like he was being watched, he knew what was happening. Upon impulse he scratched his neck. Again and again, the sensation recurred.  He cautiously looked behind him, but he couldn’t see anything. The dense trees seamed to close in from the back leaving only darkness. A breeze blew in from nowhere, sweeping the fallen leaves into rustling knots. Corron looked around him, this time with suspicion. Ok it’s time to ask Adelyn what’s going on. “Ummm Adelyn? Do you notice anything…different?” Adelyn’s mood had changed slightly since the early morning, but she was still a bit touchy.

“And just what would I find different?” Adelyn looked over her shoulder in slight confusion. Corron glanced up at the sky nervously. The shade of the purple and green leaves darkened until they were almost black. It should have been about mid-day, but Corron’s surroundings were as dark as night.

“Adelyn!” this time Corron’s voice trembled with fear. His hand instinctively went to the hilt of his dagger. There was no answer. Adelyn seemed to walk faster and faster. Darkness closed in around Corron. Adelyn disappeared into the twilight. Corron was now blundering in pitch dark. His hands outstretched, he staggered forward. Again he felt the tingling sensation, but this time, it felt as if it was inside his head. Strange voices whispered all around him. His heart pounded in his ears, sounding in time to the rise and fall of the whisperings. Pain replaced the tingling, and grew until it was unbearable. Corron fell to the ground gripping his head. Just…wait. His heart beat faster, as the voices grew louder, until Corron couldn’t take it anymore. Corron rose shakily up to his feet. He grabbed the pain mentally and focused it into one spot— right above his palm. Corron growled and, even though he didn’t know what he was doing, tried harder on focusing the pain into is palm. Something in his mind broke, fell down, crumbled, like locked doors being blown apart. Now he was able to channel his anger, pain, and confusion, into the palm of his hand. A word came to his mind, a single word. “Athlen!” shouted Corron. Flames erupted right above his palm blazing up into the sky. Corron shouted in surprise, but did not brake concentration. The pain left his mind, as the voices subsided. The fire flourished, as the darkness was swept into the flames. Once all of the shadows were eaten by the fire, Corron released his concentration, and the fire subsided. Corron breathed heavily, and looked around. Adelyn was gone, and he was alone. Corron closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

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