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 Adelyn stared down at a piece of wrinkled parchment. Her quill shook in her hands as she studied her work. It was a present for her uncle. It had taken her a week to complete, but now it was ready. Adelyn folded up the sheet and dropped her quill into its pot of black ink. Standing up, the girl pushed her chair back and examined her surroundings once again. She loved her room. Granted it was small, but it possessed a homey sort of feeling. The old wood desk, the bed piled high with goose feather comforters, the vaulted ceiling sloping gently down to a bay window that overlooked all of the city. Adelyn paused to study the small town. It was named the “city” of Vasorath only because it had the largest population for miles. However, the sunbaked wood-roofed homes, and cobblestone streets were perfect size. Not so big that they seemed out of place in a non-walled town, and not as small as the summer vacation cottages in Hickistor valley. Yes. She sighed. It truly was lovely. She never actually liked larger towns, however, ever since the incident… but that was different. She assured herself. Anyone in my position would have done the same. Adelyn’s door wobbled as somebody knocked, as if an earthquake had shaken the house. She hurriedly stuffed her folded paper into the folds the bed.

          “Come in.” Adelyn’s voice trembled slightly as adrenaline raced through her blood. Her uncle looked quizzically at her. Adelyn stood in the middle of the room, hands folded in front of her, and stared at him. One of his eyebrows raised slightly, but that beyond that, the man remained relaxed. “Yes Uncle Jaxon?” questioned Adelyn. Jaxon walked over to her bed and sat down. The old piece of wood complained under his weight. Jaxon was a built man, with firm muscled arms and legs. Veins rippled across his tan body. Being bald, he had a condescending look, however, when one stayed around long enough to get to know him, the man was generous, with a true heart.

“Listen, Adelyn…” Jaxon folded his hands. Then unfolded each digit slowly and placed them on his knees. “We need to… talk about—”

“Wait uncle.” Interrupted Adelyn as she reached behind his back and pulled out the piece of paper. “Before you say anything I need to give you something.” Bad timing Adelyn, bad timing. “I made this for your birthday, Uncle Jaxon.” Jaxon sighed, but did not prevent her from preceding. Adelyn handed him the paper.  Jaxon unfolded it slowly, as if expecting something to jump out at him. The letter was simple, about a paragraph long, however, as soon as Adelyn’s uncle finished reading, he narrowed his eyes.

“Adelyn, what is this?” Jaxon held the letter closer to his eyes.

“Just wait.”

“Adelyn—” Jaxon folded up the paper. “This… this is what I needed to talk to you about.” Patting the place on the bed beside him, Jaxon took a deep breath. Adelyn sat down next to him. “As you know your aunt and I have helped you with your schooling for the past five years. We have never inquired what goes on during the summers you are away. Unfortunately, those summer trips end now.” Adelyn’s heart beat faster, would really stop her vacations? “Please understand Adelyn, I don’t want to do this... we… your aunt Katrina and I… would be forced to vacate our home. We would have to leave Vasorath, Adelyn.” Adelyn pondered his words. Yes, I know where you are going with this Jaxon.

“Leaving this town would mean the death of your legacy.” Stated Adelyn. The Kessler family had lived in this house for over a hundred years, and now, she was forcing them to move. But wait, there was still… “What does this have to do with my summer vacations Uncle Jaxon?” Adelyn knew the answer to her question. However, she needed conformation.

“We have talked together about your… abilities, have we not?”

“Magic?” questioned Adelyn, rather frustrated. Honestly Uncle, we’ve talked about this subject more than a hundred times!

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