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Twigs snapped under his worn boots. Tired and lost, Corron stumbled through Thornwood. His stomach growled at him, bringing up, once again, the fact that he had not eaten in three days. Two of which he had spent wandering aimlessly in the forest. No thanks to that stupid leader of the fighting ring. That so called professor. He had commended Corron for his victory, told him to stand "there" and pulled a lever. Now here he was. Corron grumbled at nothing in particular. Everything had gone wrong. That stupid wolf should have eaten me. Or at least the professor should have given me death as a reward instead of this. Corron thrust his good arm around him.He knew it wasn't the truth, but with his broken elbow throbbing, Corron wished he could curl up, and sleep until he died. Corron coughed, and almost laughed at himself. I sound like a duck. However, that did little to encourage him. Quite on the contrary, it worried him. Am I getting sick? Maybe there is magic for healing. I wish that old man had told me more about how to use magic than about its history.

Corron sat down on a log. Even though he couldn't see the sky, he knew clouds had covered up the sun. I really hope it doesn't start to rain. Suddenly, as if summoned by Corron's thoughts, buckets of rain poured upon the leafy treetops high about his head. Not ten yards away, a fallen log rested against a rather large maple tree. Rushing for cover, Corron's foot snagged a root, flinging him to the ground. At that instant, the rain found its way to the ground, soaking Corron. The boy lay there, utterly exhausted.  Corron's broken arm was twisted painfully under him. Luckily, the rough wooden splint he had put together the day before kept it from further damage. Rain continued to poor as Corron became more and more frustrated. I'm done! He told himself. Corron flipped onto his back and sat up, shoving himself back against a tree. A large maple leaf emptied its heavy load of water right on Corron's already soaked head. Bristling with anger, Corron lifted his head skyward and shouted aloud.

"I'm done! You hear? Done!" For the first time since he could remember, a tear slipped down Corron's cheek, like a liquid diamond. It mixed with the rain and splashed to the ground. Corron's dirty-blond hair hung down past his eyes. The rain cleansed his skin, and washed his shaggy hair. Brown water slipped away. Corron sat, and closed his eyes. Try as he might, his soaked clothes prevented sleep, though his eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Then he remembered the log. Crawling on one arm and his knees, he reached the hollow piece of wood. Ducking under the opening between ground and maple tree, Corron was shocked to find that the inside of the log was quite warm. The floor of the log slopped gently down, and a slight light emitted somewhere down the hollow trunk. But Corron was not in a curious mood. Whatever it is, it can wait until morning. Propping his back against the dry tree, Corron closed his eyes.  He was almost asleep when a voice sent his eyelids wide open.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the speaker's voice was a higher pitched one, slightly nastily, but pleasant. Corron strained his eyes to see something, anything. You have fire dummy! Corron chastised himself.

"Threya." He said, barely above a whisper. Fire burned high and licked the roof of the log, casting its light far and wide. Before Corron could see his new log companion, the figure darted deeper into the shadows.

"Put it out! Put it out!" it shouted in a squeaky voice. "You'll burn my whole house down boy! Put it out." Surprised, Corron closed his fist, extinguishing the flames. Darkness took over his unadjusted eyes. "That's better," it continued. "Nearly burned the woods to the ground..." the voice grumbled.

"Sorry..." mumbled Corron, too confused to say more. He was, even though he would never admit it, a little scared to. Corron desperately wanted to see what kind of monster he had run into this time. The creature in front of him ticked his tongue three times before speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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