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Greg's P.O.V

It's been 19 years since the incident. It feels like just yesterday he was at my front door. I remember how mad I was when I saw his face. Now as I stand here, alone, I realise I wouldn't change that day for the world. I miss him.

The sunset is beautiful tonight. Niall used to love sunsets. Did you know that his favorite colour is a sunset? Right when the sun begins to set and the sky turns a beautiful mix of yellow, orange, pink and a tint of blue. Well, I did. I knew everything about Niall. And he knew everything about me. We knew everything about each other. I miss him.

The wind begins to pick up and it starts to get cold. Which is exactly how I feel now that Niall is gone. As if all of my sunshine, my warmth, just left. I miss him.

Please God, I just want him back.

What's the point in living if my life is already gone? I hate when Densie or Theo try tell me to just move on, that there are other fish in the sea. They don't understand. He was my sea. Nobody understands, god, if I could I would just ki-

"Hey Greg, I'm back."

"Niall what took yah so long? I was gettin' worried !"

"I was gone for 5 minutes Greg! I couldn't find the keyst me car and the trunk wouldn't budge open ! Aw, what t hell man I missed t sunset! Here's that stup1D blanket yah wanted."

"Tanks Ni, I'm sorry I was gettin cold and I'm sorry I get worried for yah. I can't help it. Hey, whats wrong?"

"Nothing.... It's just, I just, I don't know, I just wanted to watch the sunset on the beach wit me brudder. Togetder ya kno?"

"Ye, I know. I'm sorry."


"Hey, um Ni I wanted to um ask yah something."

"What is it Greggy?"

This is it. I can't believe I'm about to do this. Breathe Greg. Just breathe.

I take a deep breath and get down on one knee…

"Niall. I ‘ave known yah me entire life, literally. I was dah one who changed yah diapers and I was dere for yah when yah auditioned fur xtactor. Yeh were so nervous dat day. We all were. Not the changing diaper part, The x factor part. I'm rambling aren't I? What I'm trying t say is would yah do me da honour of bein' me brudder?"


"Wait, before yah say anyting I wanted tgive yah dis."

I hand Niall the velvet box and he opens it. A gasp escapes his plump lips. He looks at the solid gold, diamond encrusted Theo Coin and begins to sob. I get off my knees to go hold him.

"Greg, I don't know what t say." Niall mumbles into me chest.

"This isn't a proposal Ni. This is a promise. A promise that we will always be dere fur each other no matter what. Fur sickness and in health, fur better or fur worse till death do us part. So please, just say yes, Niall. Say yah'll be me brudder." I say as I rest my head on top of his.

He rapidly nods his head and I feel like the luckiest man in the world !

"This is beautiful, Greg. Thank yah so much."

"A beautiful gift for a beautiful man and look.."  I gently take the Theo coin away from him and flip it over. I show him the inscription  "We gon' partybuckwild" written in cursive and he begins to sob even more.

"Thank yeh Greg this is probably t best gift I ‘ave ever gotten ! Yah arr da best

brudder anyone cud eva ask fur."

"I love yah Ni."

"I love yah more Greggy."

"Let's go home and tell the others the great news. Its getting kind of chicken and chilly anyway."

"0key, and Greg"

"Yah Niall?"

"Even it I did say no, I would still be yeh brudder no matter what. It's kind of a blood ting."

"I know Ni, I know."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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