Chapter 25:

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Work was terrible, i was so f*ing tired.

From: Noah

Were on our way be there soon :)

Thank god i was ready.

To: Noah


I grabbed my laptop and it's charger plus my phone. I don't need a charger for it or clothes because i have a charger and clothes at Noah's(:

From: Noah


"Bye mom see you in a couple days" i say to her as i leave the living room

"Bye sweetie" she says

I close the door

I stand on the passenger side

Noah rolls down his window

I smile

"I'm guessing you want to sit here?" he asks

I nod and laugh

He gets out and takes my laptop and charger. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss.

I get in to car and buckle up then look in the mirror

"Really, thats why you wanted to sit there?" Noah asks with a sighing type of tone

I nod

He sighs.

"Nice highlights Nat" Kathy says

"Thanks Kathy, i'm glad you noticed" i said the looked back at Noah

"There wonderful, i noticed as soon as i saw you" he said in a 'duh' sarcastic tone

I smirked and nodded my head

"Sure there buddy" i said then laughed

"They do look good" he says

"Thanks" i said laughing


"Noah?" i ask shyly

He puts his arms around my waist

"Why you acting shy?" he asks

"I haven't had supper" i say looking down

"Awe, what do you want?" he asks

I look up at him

"A McWrap from McDicks" i said then smile

He leans down and kisses my lips

"I'll get my dad to drive" he says

"I have no money" i say sadly and looking down

"I'll pay" he says

I smiled

"Thanks" i say

He kisses me then he heads upstairs with me close behind

"Dad can you drive Nat and I to McDicks she didn't have supper" Noah asks his dad.

I just hid behind Noah while i hold onto his shirt

"Nat, why are you acting shy?" Dave asks

I shrug but he doesn't see.

"I don't know, because i feel like i'm bothering you" i said quietly

"It's no big deal, i'll just grab my coat and we can go" he says

"We will meet you in the car" Noah yells

He grabs my hand we head to the car.

I get in the front an Noah gets in the back.

"So are you still sick?" he asks

"Kinda" i say

He laughs

"Oh, i start football practice in three days" Noah says

"Your football team doesn't even know me" i say

"You know Alex and Austin" he says

"Well thats it dumbass" i said then started laughing

Just then Dave gets in the car

"See i'll introduce you to them" he says

"What?" Dave asks

"Football team" I say

He nods

"Well you better tell them she is yours" Dave says

I laugh. Whats that suppose to mean?

"Don't worry, they could have taken Maddie if they wanted" Noah says

"I'm confused" i said totally lost

"Last year when i was dating Maddie they tried taking her from me because they didn't know i was dating her" Noah says

I nod


"Were watching Believe" i said laughing

"Whyyyy?" Noah whines

"Because you promised me" i said

We were in his basement while everyone was upstairs it's only 10:30.

"Fine!" he says giving up

"But before that you said you wanted to talk" he added as he sat on the couch

I sighed

I sat beside him on the couch

"Look, my parents want to move to Miami so they can be closer to Luke, they already found a house they are just waiting for me to answer if i want to go, i do want to go so i can see my brother more and because my parents are going to be living there, but they said if i can find somewhere to live for the school year and i'll go for holidays and they summer then i'm okay. What i'm trying to ask is, can i stay here? Like i don't want to be adopted and stuff but." i stopped and looked away

"I just don't want to leave you or my friends" i say as i sigh

He then takes his left hand and moves my chin towards him, he gently kisses my lips and smiles while pulling away

"I can talk to my mom tomorrow and then we can go from there, Nat, i honestly don't want to be the one stopping you from seeing your brother" he says

I look down

"Noah, i love you a lot and i don't want to hurt you or me in the process" i said sighing

He yawns then smiles

I laugh

"We can talk more tomorrow, lets go to bed" i said


Noah has been sleeping for awhile now. It's 1:00am and i'm going to bed, i shut my laptop off and put it aside, i crawled slowly back onto the air mattress and cuddled up to Noah.

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