Chapter 5:

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This time i wasn't being woken up by an alarm clock but i phone call from Cass

N: hi

C: how you feeling?

N: meh

C: Noah is awake

N: he is always awake

C: Yup

N: so hows school

C: pretty good, if you can be here you can beat up the people in Careers.

N: i would love to but i can't walk

C: so no practice tomorrow

N: no i might not be able to go, if i go to school then yes, but Noah isn't going to be there but ew is...

C: Alex is there

N: true and so is Austin and Justin.

C: yes

N: alright i'll go to school tomorrow and go to the practice see you tomorrow.

C: bye

N: bye

I hung up it was just in time because it's her 3 period class

I wonder what to do today?

I grabbed my laptop and popped in a DVD. I'm Watching Never Say Never then Believe

I have a text :)

Baby: Whatcha up to?

N: nothing just watching Never Say Never

Baby: glad i'm not there...

N: hey it's good

Baby: naw i'm good

N: -.-

Baby: :(

N: your mean..

Baby: sorry

N: sorry doesn't help you gonna watch Never Say Never and Believe with me plus all Twilights

Baby: god no :/

N: :(

Baby: :)

N: </3

Baby: <3 :)

I didn't text back because my favorite part is on.

I cry at this part.

When he can't talk and he hugs everybody on the bus..

Baby: :( answer me.

Baby: Babe?

Baby: i'm sorry i'll watch them

N: sorry i was watching my favorite part and okay when we are both better you can watch them :)

Baby: oh i thought you were mad

N: no :(

Baby: good :)

N: love you <3 xo

Baby: love you too xox

I put my phone down.

Now that i finished this movie i'm hungry.

I get out of bed and limp my way to the kitchen

"Go back upstairs i'll make you lunch" my dad said

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