Chapter 8:

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{Natalie's P.O.V}

I woke up to a white room and a beeping noise..

My eyes weren't adjusted to the lighting yet.

My eyes finally adjusted and i looked around the room

I'm at the hospital...

A doctor then walked in

"Finally your awake" he said with a huge smile

"How long was i out? what even happened?" i asked confused onto why i was here

"You were in a coma for 4 weeks" he said

I made an 'O' with my mouth

"4 weeks ago you were on a bus with your boyfriend a-" i cut him off

"NOAH!!! is he okay?" I asked hopeful

"Yes he is fine he has been out of the hospital for 4 weeks." he said

Then continued "and a via rial trian hit the bus you were in and 6 people died and you could have been the 7th but we saved you. Your lucky to be alive today" he said

"So i'm okay?" i asked

"Yup but we are gonna check for brain damage today" he said

I nodded and lied back down bed so i can go to the MRI.

{Noah's P.O.V}

I'm in school with Alex.

I still can't believe she is still out. I hope she is going to be okay. I miss her so much, I haven't been able to focus on hockey or school. Hockey is almost over we have 2 weeks left, Nat has 2 weeks of football left.

I'm in my last period class then Alex and I are going to pick up Cass and my parents are gonna drive to the hospital and meet Nat's parents.

I didn't want to go to school but Alex made me go for Nat.

"Yo" Alex said

I looked up and snapped out of my thoughts

"The bell rang" he said

"Oh" i said grabbing my stuff and heading out the door with him

My parents were already here with smiles on there face.

I got in the car and waited to get to the hospital.

We finally got there because Cass was going with Nat's parnets.

We all walked in

"Natalie Stewart" Rose (Nat's mom) said

"Room 300 only 2 people at a time" she said then left

We already knew it was 2 people at a time because of the coma.

{Natalie's P.O.V}

I don't have any brain damage which is really really good.

So now i am resting my eyes and waiting i guess, the doctor said i can go back to doing my normal life and all that. Plus i get to go home tomorrow :)

I heard the door open the voices i remember, I just kept my eyes closed

It was my mom and dad :)

"Look at her Steve" i heard my mom say with a couple of tears.

"I am awake mom" i said as i turned my head to look at them

"Oh my god Natalie" she screamed whispered

I got up off the bed and gave them big hugs.

They left but i told them not to tell anybody i am awake

Noah's parents came in

Now Alex and Cass

"Hey guys"

"Oh my god" Cass said as she cried tears of joy

I gave her a tight hug then Alex one too

I talked for a bit but not to long

Now Noah.

I hid behind the door.

I heard his voice whisper to himself

"She is sleeping, she will be okay" he whispered to himself

His eyes are closed and he is crying..awe :(

His back was to me

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist

He jumped and turned around

Once he saw that it was me

He hugged me really tight with tears hitting my head.

"I missed you so much Natalie" he said with a shaky voice

"I missed you to Noah" i said as i started to cry

I really did miss him.

I rested my chin on his chest

He leaned down and kissed my lips

"I missed that" i said then smiled

He laughed and kissed me again

Are lips began to move in perfect nsync

We pulled away and he hugged me again

"I love you Natalie" he said

"I love you to baby" i said

We hugged for a bit longer, i really didn't want to let go but i need to go to sleep.

"Bye BabyGirl" he said

"Bye Boo" i said then we kissed and he left

I miss him already....

First the 2 weeks he is gone

Then this 4 weeks that i am gone.

Summer is all us.

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