Chapter 1

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" Winners are not people that never fail, but people who never quit " - unknown

Today's the day. After all these months of training, today is finally the day. I will win, I will not let down my country, friends and family. - Peter thought to himself right before giving a win jump of 207.73 m

" Well done !! " shouted Tepes

Boys from Slovenian team started coming up to Prevc congratulating him. Of course they couldn't resist from picking him up and carrying around on their hands. After all he was a winner of 4 hills.

"Fuck" - I never cursed but in this moment it felt like it would perfectly describe it.

" Jurij! Jurij! I have it! We won! Slovenia won!" - i shouted in agony to Jurij standing just couple of steps away from me.

" You've got to start believing in yourself Pero and the luck will stay with you"

" I've never won anything, always just second places. I never knew what it feels like to be first but now that I am first, now that I'm the best I never want to let go of that feeling" - Happiness... I could only feel happiness.

Next morning following the win of 4 hills tournament he was expected to make many public appearances as well as give many interviews to media all over the world.

After showering and getting changed, he was directed to go to the press room, where all the interviewers had already taken their place in chairs situated in front of a small desk, behind which was Peter's place.
I entered the room nervously and sat down on a chair behind desk that was showed to me upon the entrance. I was too stressed to look up at the reporters sitting in front of me, so I just pointed my eyes on the glass of water placed at the end of the desk, waiting for questions to start.

" Congrats Peter. What are your next plans"
"Congrats Peter. How are you feeling"
"Congratulations Peter, what's next"
" Congratulations, How do you feel finally taking on the first place?"

I rolled my eyes a little hoping no one has seen it.

" First thanks for Congrats. I am very happy. I did two great jumps. My next goal is to rest a little and attack again in Wisla and Zakopane in two weeks. I am also hoping to get my strength back on before Sapporo. And of course I can't wait for Planica."

Everyone kept asking the same questions, I got tired and bored but I had to keep answering them as it was a part of my work. What annoyed me the most was that, Reporters never tried to get to know me, or ask questions in a different way, they always pick questions that they had previously heard, no initiative, no new ideas.

But then I heard her...

I heard smooth british accent.

" Peter, Many have named you the king of second places what took you so long to finally be first on the podium?"

I looked up, to see extremly beautiful, young girl. She looked like she could be my age or maybe a year or two younger. Her face was illuminating with fresh glow, her eyes were brown, her hair also in the same color with perfectly soft curls. She had a slim,tiny body, I've also quickly noticed that she was wearig a black turtle neck with highwaisted black jeans, she looked super hot. I have never seen anyone like her before...
I could tell, she was one of these girls that turn heads everywhere they go.

I don't think she was from here, Her accent was for sure british but what was she doing here if she was from Englad? My discipline wasn't too popular there.

" Peter? "

/ Fuck! Fuck! Peter answear the damn question before she'll think you're a creep. / I really couldn't think straight, so to concentrate on replying I had to look away. Her beauty and brave attitude was a little intimidating.

" I ... "

/ wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf / I could feel my face getting red.

" Yes, that's true. I was happy as long as I was on podium, but this season I had enough of it and I decided to work harder, It resulted in first place , I'm happy "

/ Wow this is seriously it? What were you thinking, Ok your english is not your first language but you can do better than that / I could tell she didn't hear what she was hoping to hear.

She sat down and noted down my answear. I didn't knew who she was but she already got my entire attention. I was craving to introuduce myself, even tho she probably knew who I was, but I wanted so badly to hear her voice again.

In my head I was already planning to go up to her when this borig-ass conference will finish.

" Peter, last question. Now that your form is better than ever, are you also hoping to snatch the world cup from Stefan Kraft, the current leader?"

" I value fair play rules and I have a big respect towards my rivals, stefan is extremly talented and it will be a tough competition for us. I'll try my best "

" Thank you, very much for having us here, was a pleasure to meet you" - The reporter from my country shouted in our native language.

" Thanks everyone" - I quickly said.

/ Shit where is she?! /

I scanned the room, couple of times but she was already gone.. I didn't even knew her name or where she was from never mention a newspaper or tv station that she worked for...

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