"Thank You" Part 8

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I completely forgot about this story 🧍‍♀️


After that day, a lot had happened. So much to where it's to tiring to explain.

Of course justice to Y/N had finally been served and karma to those three jerks in court, including their matter of getting expelled. They where rich problematic kids who thought money got you in and out of everything. Apparently not with UA, who had a principal with zero tolerance for dis behavioral students.

Unfortunately, Y/N was left in a traumatizing era. She was granted permission to be excused from class for a while, spending most of her time at therapy where she slowly recovered.

This caused Shota to get distracted from his work, as he kept wondering what Y/N was up to.
Was she okay? How is she handling it? Is she getting the right help she needs? Is there anything I could do?
It made him anxious knowing she was doing this alone.

After the teachers found out he'd rescued Y/N, Shota was praised for his actions and promised a reward, which he could honestly care less about.

Shota sat in his dorm room at his desk, looming over his homework, except he was wasn't So focused on the math equation in front of him as he was for Y/N.

His leg bounced, his pencil flicked around distractingly and his eye kept looking towards his phone, hoping for a notification. He wasn't usually this fidgety.

The black haired boy soon noticed he has long since developed a rather close bond to Y/N. Ever since the day he (quit literally) bumped into her, a spark had lit once he met those eyes of hers. He thought he could ignore it but soon figured the feelings he had for her where in escapable.

Was it... love or something? Impossible. Shota didn't feel emotion towards people, But why is it that every time he thought about her, looked and spoke to Y/N, his world became fuzzy, like a fever dream. A good fever dream.

Suddenly, knock at the door alarmed Shota from his train of thought. Who would be here at this hour? He asked himself, looking to his clock that glowed 10:49 pm.

It was probably that human microphone asking for snacks again, Shota thought irritatedly as he got up from his desk to answer.

Once he opened the door he was appalled to see Y/N standing there discreetly.

She looked as if she has just crawled from her bed, sporting a white tank top, and night shorts with slippers. Shota couldn't help but notice her outfit fitted around her, defining the curves on her body.

Y/N fiddled with her fingers while looking down to the floor in an embarrassed manner. Then flashed a hoping smile up at him.

"Y/N! Oh uh sorry, I didn't mean to yell. W- would you like to come in?" Shota invited, stepping aside to grant her access inside.

Y/N gave a quick nod a waltzed her way into the room, perching comfortably on bean bag chair.

Shota closed the door, and pulled up a seat towards Y/N, the thought of his homework completely out the window.

"I really didn't mean to intrude," Y/N fidgeted. "I hope I didn't disrupt you from anything-"

"Oh no, no! It's fine I was just doing some studying is all." He said a matter a factually.
"I was thinking about you. Like not in a creepy uncomfortable way, hehe, I mean I was wondering if you where okay. "

Shota rubbed his nape at his ungainliness. Y/N didn't seem to mind his awkwardness as she just chuckled along.

Clearing his throat, Shota spoke.
"How are you holding up?"

"Battle of Hormones" younge! Aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now