"The Visite" Part 4

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"Shota are you okay?!" The teacher shouted, as he ran towards Shota

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"Shota are you okay?!" The teacher shouted, as he ran towards Shota. He got on his knees to look at his wounds.

Earlier out of nowhere, some kids wind quirk blew him into the air, instinctively Shota activated his canceling quirk at the wrong time which caused him to fall feet apart from the ground.

The kid tried using his quirk again to save Shota, but he ended up violently sliding against the ground which gave him open wound scratches.

Hizashi and Shirakumo came to check up on their friend.

"Gosh! Shota are you okay?!"

"Your hurt!"

Shota raggedly sat up. He winced at the pain of his scraped knees, and his shoulder felt like holy hell. He also had more scratches on where he'd landed but it didn't bother him that much.

"It's no big deal. I can go to the infirmary after training-"

"Aizawa those injuries look terrible. I'm having your friends take you to see recovery girl now."

Shota was annoyed and sighed as Hizashi and Shirakumo helped him up, headed to the infirmary.

"I can't believe I got hurt by a wind quirk. How unbearable."

"It was out of nowhere so of course, you didn't know you'd get hurt." Shirakumo said, trying to cheer him up. "Don't beat yourself up about it."

"Yeah man!! Just chill and get over it!!" Hizashi added.

They reached the entrance to the recovery girls office. Shirakumo held the door open so Hizashi could help Shota inside.

When they stepped in they didn't see recovery girl, but a group of 3 guys surrounded a little to close to a desk where Y/N sat. She obviously looked uncomfortable.

"I- I told you, if your not injured in any way, p- please exit the infirmary area. Other students actually need medical attention"

"Don't be a goody-goody now. We heard a lot of stuff about you Y/N. You don't need to hide it."

"Yeah we'd just like to make an appointment if you know what I mean."

They shared a laugh, high-fiving one another at the apparent disgusting joke he made. Y/N looked highly embarrassed staring down at her lap on the verge of tears.

Shota felt a boil of rage build up in him, gritting his teeth together and balling his hand into a fist, but Shirakumo had already had enough first.

"Oi, if you fuck boys are done we need a medic, so get out of here already."

The three Harassers looked back at Shirakumo with a glare.

"You got something to say cloud boy?"

"Battle of Hormones" younge! Aizawa x readerWhere stories live. Discover now