Uhhh 10?- wait a sec... they died?

384 9 14

Human! Error angst~


I don't really know how to draw the voices things... sooo oof-

Onto the story now



When the EPP walked in the café
When the bell rang after school, the EPP all met up outside the school build next to the big Sakura tree that has never been mentioned before. Killer, Horror, and Dust were the first ones to show, PJ, and undyne make an appearance after a short while, with lust being the last to arrive.

"We all here?" Dust asks

"Yeah, I think so" Killer replies

"Alright then let's go" Undyne explains punting her fist in the air and march off down the hill that has also never been mentioned. The rest of the group soon follows and the head off to the Café.

When the group arrives they quickly glance around looking for a black and white fox monster, and spot him talking to a customer so they decide to just take a seat and hope that they are the one to take the EPS' order. 

To waste some time the group starts making some small talk about recent dreams they had of them all dying, except PJ who said his dream involved his parts at war, his papa holding a giant paint brush and his dad was littered with scars shooting laser cannons at his papa. To say the least they were all confused, and wondering who that human was, but before they could think anymore they heard someone clear their throat.

"Excuse me, but can I take your order?" The EPP looks up to see a black and white cow with a nameplate that says 'Mannie' on it.

"Umm well can we all have a hot chocolate, and ask you a few questions about our teacher?" Horror asks rather shyly

"Coming right up! And s-sure?" Mannie replies looking a bit confused.

"So I was told by our gym teacher who over heard you talking to our sewing teacher and know why he is suddenly so sad... he seemed so happy a couple days ago..." lust says looking down a bit. The female fox sighs.

"I won't give you many details but I will tell you that someone very close to him was put into a coma a couple days ago..." she looks away, " I'm just gonna go get your drinks..." she walks away leaving the group in shock.

Killer was the first out of the trance "who do you guys think it was?"
"W-well I haven't s-seen any teachers go missing lately..." horror replied

"Dust! You live with him! Anything happen?" Undyne added, but dust didn't hear, he was too busy wondering why his father didn't tell him... but I guess he has Asy to comfort him... wait. where has Asy been... dusts eyelights disappear

"No...." he whispers to himself he puts his hand over his mouth as tears threaten to spill over.

"Dust!!" Dust jumps at the sudden scream of his name.


"You good? Do you what happened?" Pj asks

"H-huh? Oh t-that... n-no I don't think so... sorry"

The others sigh "It's fine dust, you just acted like you did" pj replies. The group then finishes there drinks and leaves the little corner Café.

~at the hospital~

Still no POV maybe

erratum walks into hospital and gets checked in by random nurse lady, with a name tag that said latifa Elise, then goes to room 672.

"H-Hey Asy.... I hope your doing ok... I miss you...." erratum looks sown tears threatening to fall "why did it have to be you?! Why couldn't it have been me! I can't die for crying out loud! You can! Dangit.... I wish I had healing magic, but... she took that away rather quickly after the kidnapping" he looks away "please wake up L-Love... I need you..." he then wipes his tears and continues to talk to Asys unconscious body till visiting hours were over. He then left the hospital and headed home only  to be confronted by dust.

"Dad... why didn't you tell me about Asy?" Dust asks a look of confusion and worry consuming his face.

"I just.... didn't want to worry you..." erratum replies turning away from his son. "D-do any of the others know?" Dust shakes his head
erratum sighs in relief and puts dust to bed before going to his own room and crying while putting the finishing touches on the Asy doll. When he finishes his doll he looks over at the clock. It was midnight.

he has a "nightmare" OG! NM talks to him and says that dustbErry, killmare, HorrorLust, and Kustard are the last ones alive after the multiverse collapse and now need to stay with him

the next morning erratum wakes up to find all of them Asleep on the couch He puts a note on the coffee table wakes dust, and goes to school.


Erratum was confused to say the least. A bunch of his students were looking at him weirdly... like they knew something... but he just be rushed it off thinking he was being overly cautious, he tended to do that...

But boy was he right and wrong at the same time...

Later at lunch all the kids in his class that we're looking him weirdly came to his classroom and knocked on the door "come in" he replied unknowing to the events that were about to occur...

The group labeled as the EPS walks in and standing front of his desk "Mr. Erratum? May we ask you something?" PJ asks politely, which was quite out of character for him

"I mean you just die but sure." Erratum replies with a wink.

"Is anyone close to you in a coma? If so who?"  Erratum freezes then in a matter of seconds an ear splitting sound bursts through the halls. In front of Pj there stands a message. "It's says "Error.EXE has crashed. Would you like to reboot? Then it gives me a yes and no button." Pj says

"Press yes, I guess..." Killer says, pj did so.

"Ha! That rhymes!" Horror says. They all laugh a bit before a taking a seat in teh desks and chat till they hear a naive that says,

"GoSH dAnG It... i tHouGHt thAt hAD StOPpeD...." he looks at the group in font of him "hOw Do yOu kNoW AboUt somEoNE NeaR Me BeiNg iN A cOmA?" Erratums face darkens, the group feels there sins crawling in there back,

"W-well you see....."



Lol this chapter took a long time to write...
And I got so frustrated that I threw my phone across my back yard while working on it...


Oof... I'm kinda surprised it's didn't land it dog poo tho lol

Any way I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also uhhh if y'all want I can draw anything y'all want for a 6K readers special or smthn....

Anyway I hope you have a lovely day/ night

Until next time I guess...



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