Q&A cause yall like this stuff apperently-

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1.) powder: honestly? It felt kinda weird it was like looking in a mirrors that altered your appearance... and personality... though I did feel slightly more... complete? It was part of me was missing but I saw him and it was partially filled... now I sound like I'm in love with an alternate me. Great! *heavy sarcasm*
2.) 27
3.) well I know most of them.... there's a few that I don't know. But I don't think I could ever pick I favorite I love them all equally!

 But I don't think I could ever pick I favorite I love them all equally!

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1.) Pink...
(You do not need to read the following paragraph it's just back story on my OC)
Ellie was originally a normal icy!genderverse!Sans, which I'm gonna call Snow, when suddenly she got ripped from her AU by the Gaster of her AU. Ellie was thrown into a different anti-void than errors and was forcefully merged with her frisks SOUL, the frisk was nicknamed rose because they could be a thorn bush and do genocide or blossom into a rose and do pacifist.After a while she slowly started to change into a more human like appearance. Because she was so young when she was torn out of her AU her SOUL acquired the trait of evolution because of the transformation and adapting that had occurred. Her nickname was originally Snow because her AU had almost 0 warm places except for indoors and the ruins. When she was in the anti-void she heard voices that made her change her name to Ellie. Since she didn't want to leave rose out she became Ellie-Rose Snow. Gaster did tests on Ellie-Rose because of the merged souls. This went on for 10 years. Until she finally escaped from the anti void And into the classic timeline. Ellie became a glitch in the system something that wasn't supposed to exist. She soon started walking around sand made a couple friends named Aliena and Annabella. But since she was a sans she used to be a scientist so she created a sans. Fast forward a few weeks and the newly created sans falls into the underground Ellie jumps in after him. Blah blah blah I haven't thought of what happens next yet lol

 Blah blah blah I haven't thought of what happens next yet lol

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                Aliena               Ellie-Rose.        Annabella
3.) be prepared it's a weird one... lavender- Honey ok before you start wondering if that's a thing. It is it's like tea in ice cream form.

 It is it's like tea in ice cream form

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Open like it says it's open forever-

1.) yes I do! I have 2 toy poodles
2.) my favorite animal is a baby emperor penguin, tho I like any type of penguins UwU

1.) Error: Well like any type of chocolate but I much prefer fells chocolate. Which Is more a creamy dark chocolate (I dunno if that actually exits in the real world or if that's possible I hate chocolate sooooo lol-)

What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now