This is ch. 9 right?- Date

542 17 63

oOF sCi u NEeD sOme HeLp-


Oh guys... I actually went back and grammar check this....

Erratum POV
When I got home from school  that day I started thinking. I don't think me and Asy have actually gone on many dates... isn't that what couples do? Are we a bad couple?! And so I did what any sane person would do. Ask him on a date. Didn't think it through though... I probably should have.. what are we even going to do?! Hmmm what's a popular date spot... OH! I know! Dinner(my phone tried to auto correct dinner to sinner lol)! But that'll be too short... a movie afterwards? Yeah that'll do. I'll just go get ready.

I walk into my bathroom and start to change. I'm now wearing a white button up; with the sleeves rolled up to my elbow, suspenders, a pair of dark light red gloves with yellow trim, blue jeans, and dark light red shoes; with a yellow accent, and my normal black;blue; and red jacket is tied around my waist just in case. Once I deem myself ready to go I go downstairs. Thinking that I was quick I thought that I would be the first down but of course Asy was faster and made it down before me. He was wearing a hoodie with baggy sleeves. The hoodie was white with a yellow sun on the front with orange and black stripes on the sleeves. For pants he had normal black  trousers and gray boots with an orange accent. He looked stunning...

"Hey Asy! Are you ready?" I ask as soon as I'm near him. He nods and grabs my hand as we walk out the door.

I wonder where we're going! I think as we walk through town. We suddenly stop in front of this beautiful fantasy themed garden restaurant named
Fantasia Gardenia.

"This is beautiful..." I whisper. I can't believe Erry found this place! Erratum guides me in and starts talking to the manager of the restaurant, they were wearing a short baby blue poofy dress with a white apron. They kinda reminded me that girl from that one movie with the tardy rabbit and insane queen of love was it? I can't remember the title though...

After a few minutes she takes us to a table near the back of the restaurant and let's us get settled.

"You sure know how to pick places Erry! This place is wonderful!" I say, giving my boyfriend praise. His face gives off a little yellow tint

"Thank you Asy, I'm glad you like it!" We both look at the menu wondering what we should order. Once we have both decided we call the waiter over. I ordered the chicken salad while Erra ordered a BLTA sandwich (this is a bacon lettuce tomato and avocado sandwich.. dont knock it till you've tried it lol) we eat in silence and when we  finish we have a bit of small talk but we mostly just enjoy each other's company. The waiter, who's name we found out was Luna, brought us the bill and left after collecting the dishes. Erratum pays, not letting me split it, and we leave.

We soon arrive at Popina Cinema and get the tickets handed to us by a person who's name tags reads "Kane". We then head into the theater and take a seat in the bottom row of the third set of chairs, after we sit down I lift up the arm rest and cuddle into to Erratum, The only available tickets were to a horror movie and I had never seen one so I was hoping that it wasn't too scary, but I wanted to be near Erra just in case. (And because ships-)


I really shouldn't of drank that much water cause now I need to use the bathroom. I tap Erry on the arm and tell him that I need to go to the restroom. He lets me go and I quietly walk out of the theater and to the bathroom.

What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now