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The morning was cold and wet after last night's rain. I could feel my bones crackle as I got out of bed. It was a long night.

   I could smell eggs cooking in the kitchen as I walked out of my room. "Good morning Error." I muttered.

   Error looked up from the stove. "Morning."

   The apartment was small. But it was big enough for two brothers. "Did you hear from Geno yet? Is the baby here?" I asked softly.

   "Last I heard Lilly was still in labor and Geno Asy and Mom were up there with her." He hummed stirring the eggs.

   "Are we goin' up there after breakfast?" I sat down at the table.

   "Yup. We'll have to cancel with Ink and Dec." Error passed over a plate with eggs and bacon.

   "They'll understand." I picked up my fork and went to eat.

   "Yeah." Error took the other seat across from me and yawned. "Sleep well?"

   "Not really." I muttered softly. "Nightmare relapse."

   He looked up from his food. " Oh… You okay?"

   "Yeah. Just tired..." I mumbled, finishing off my plate.

   "You sure?" He asked softly.

   "I told you yeah." I went to put my plate away. 

   " Alright." He finished his eggs and put his plate up. "Come on. Geno's waiting for us. Our niece is about to be born."

   I grabbed my shades and hat as we headed out. "I'm already ready."

   "Alright." Error grabbed his keys and headed out the door. 

Refresh Book 3: GenosisWhere stories live. Discover now