Happy devil, happy demon PART THREE

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"We're here." He said parking by the woods. I followed him out of the car.
"It's in the woods?" I held on to a tree whilst walking along the path.
"It's only a couple of minutes from the entrance. I do hate walking through this with such neat clothes on." He said. I looked him up and down to see his clothes were definitely expensive. Poor shoes. We went a little further until we reached a cabin that seemed to be abandoned. It didn't look like Victors style.
"Is this the place?" I was unsure.
"Yes." He walked up to the door.
"This isn't abandoned?" I asked.
"No, but yes. This is the place I use to get down. It's special because only I can use it unless I allow another to. Like my son and you right now of course." He suddenly put his finger in his mouth and bit down. He took his finger and showed it to me. A drop of blood dripped for it.
"What are you doing?"
"My blood is needed to open the door, and some words." He touched onto the door and drew a pentacle out of his blood and said something I could barley hear yet understand. Immediately the pentacle glew up and so did the border of the door. He turned the knob, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the whitish light. I closed my eyes tightly and kept them closed.
"Who's she?" I heard a male voice.
"This is Tamsin, Tamsin open your eyes." Victor said releasing my hand. I opened them and saw I was standing in a room with no windows multiple chandeliers marble flooring, and tan walls.
"Where are we? Is this hell?" I looked around more.
"Why is she here?" The male voice spoke again. I saw a man with a black suit, black hair down to his shoulders, and red eyes standing by a door staring at me.
"Malikai she's one of us now, a demon do you understand?" Victor said walking up to him.
"She's a newborn? Why is she with you? Shouldn't she go where all the newborns go?" He seemed kind of ticked.
"A newborn?" I questioned.
"A newborn. A new demon." He looked at me. He clearly had an attitude and it kind of pissed me off.
"I'm teaching her. She's special." Victor turned and grabbed my hand once again.
"Why does she get to stay on earth?"
"Kai because that's the deal I made with her. Now would you please move aside." He pulled me through the door way and we entered a hallway that looked never ending on both sides. We walked down one of the hallways for quite a few before we approached an open arched door way and it led into a big room. At the end in the middle of the room was a big chair.
"Woah. Is this place really hell." I looked around once again.
"Yes, this place is hell." He walked to the chair and sat. "Behold my throne." He smiled. I looked back up and walked towards him. As I got closer I looked down from the ceiling and was so scared I couldn't move. On each side of victors throne was a big black dog looking creature with red eyes.
"What. The hell. Are those..." I said then held my breath.
"Oh these big babies? On the left is Broms and on the right is Pandora. They're my hellhounds. Only supernatural beings can see them." He patted them both on their heads.
"Hell... hellhounds!" I stepped back. "Ummm..."
"They won't hurt you. They only hurt who I tell them too." He kept smiling. "Come close they won't bite." I'm scared but what the hell. I moved closer and closer. Their breathing was loud. I went closer to the right one, Pandora and stood in front of her. "Pet her." He requested. I looked at him for a moment then reached my hand out on to her head. I began petting her.
"This isn't so bad. Their actually quite cute." I said with a smile. I walked over to Broms and patted his head as well.
"Lets get down to business, take a seat." Another demon placed a chair in front of Victor. I sat and looked at Victor. "Well first strength. You're very strong now so you should be careful, you may not be able to control it at all times at least for now. Next your hearing, it's upgraded. All you have to do is concentrate and you can hear for miles. You'll also have a high tolerance for pain. You may not even feel pain for the most part."
"Ok... so I'm super strong, have super good hearing, and can take pain.. ahh... that explains why I didn't feel anything when my dad slapped me last night." I nodded. I understand now.
"He what! How dare he. I'll show him a new one!" Victor shouted.
"No! Just leave him alone. Don't waste your time he's just an abusive drunk." It's sad that I can say that with ease. It's sad I have to say it at all.
"Fine. I'll continue." He pouted.
"Please do."
"Next, which is the most important, you can see souls."
"I can see souls?"
"Yes, you can see into the soul and tell whether a person has been good or bad during their life. You'll be able to sense when someone is dying if they are close by."
"Woah. Seriously, that's freaky." This. Is. Insane.
"Oh and one more very important thing. You'll have the ability to put souls back into their bodies, you can save a life. But that is entirely up to you."
"I can put someone back into their body basically?"
"Yep. Unless you choose to take their soul. But I want to make it clear. Only bad souls come here unless the good ones choose to be."
"This is crazy." I really can't believe this. "What do you do with the souls?"
"I feed them to the hounds."
"What." He smiled again. "I'm joking. The souls collected are put in a safe place. As you can guess souls are powerful."
"Oh. I thought you were serious for a minute. What else is there?"
"That's pretty much it. I mean I can tell you about some other creatures if you'd like?"
"Creatures? There's more than just angels, demons, and hellhounds?!" I should have brought a book to write everything down.
"There's succubus, Valkyrie, and Djinns. I'm pretty sure that's it."
"What? I have no idea what either of those are."
"Well let's see, a succubus is a female demon who needs chi to serve. You know what chi is right?"
"Yes the human life force."
"Exactly they need that to survive. They basically need it to make them stronger, to heal, and like I said feed to keep them alive."
"So they kill people?"
"Not necessarily. They can take a little and be good."
"How do they take it?"
"Well Tamsin. The grown up way." He smiled. The grown up way... "They kiss and or you know." He cleared his throat.
"....Have sex!?" Im shouted, though I should be that surprised.
"Yes.. and it's the same way for an Incubus the male version."
"Ewe, I guess."
"Ok a Valkyrie is um a female angel of death. They're also super strong and have a high tolerance for pain. In a battle they get to choose who lives and who dies."
"Wait. Isn't that a little.."
"Powerful." He cut me off. "Just make sure not to get on the bad side of one."
"So what's a Djinn?" I was getting more curious about the last creature.
"Djinn are creatures that have the ability to take a form they want. Human, animal, and inanimate objects. They like to feed of fear. Oh and red meat, probably because the blood in it. They can also make people see things that aren't really there."
"So they're definitely bad?"
"No. Nothings bad unless they choose to. Like you, you can choose to be bad or good. What will you choose in the long run. I'm very very curious." He seemed suspicious.
"I'm pretty sure I'm good..." I started to ponder on the idea of being evil. It sounds kind of fun... "So that's it? There's nothing else for you to tell me?"
"Yeah that's it. I mean there's one thing but it's not too important and you'll find out soon enough."
"Well don't you need to teach me how to do things? I don't know like maybe how to collect a freaking soul!" What did he expect for me to learn on my own.
"You can learn on your own." Oh my god. "I think you'll be a natural." He started petting Pandora and Broms. I'm screwed. Like totally screwed.
"Great! I'm ecstatic." I let the sarcasm out.
"This is just the start of your demon life. Trust me you're going to love it." He grinned. "This is without a doubt going to be fun."

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