Happy devil, happy demon PART ONE

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*cough, cough, cough* I shot up and water came out from my mouth as I gasped for air.
"Tamsin! Tamsin! Are you ok?" I turned to see Casey crying with his hand on my head. I wanted to say I was ok but I was to shocked to speak. I could hear sirens approaching closer to the school.
"Ugh, she's totally fine, and now we're gonna be in serious trouble." Rhiannon had her face in her hands. I looked around to see almost everyone had already fled the pool.
"Tamsin" Casey put his hand on my back to help me sit up. "Are you ok? Can you speak?" He was freaked. I put out my hand for him to help me stand but as soon as I tried I had no energy in my legs. "It's ok don't try to rush yourself."
"I'm, I'm ok." I cleared my throat. The sirens were now outside the school and Rhiannon was freaking out.
"I can't get caught. I'm the cheer captain I'll get kicked off!" She panicked over something small.
"Then go!" Casey shouted. "She just almost died and your worried about cheerleading, you're unbelievable sometimes."
"Fine I'm going. Lufian come on!" She grabbed Lufians arm, which now that I'm aware he was here I started to feel embarrassed. They were on their way out the door when two police officers entered shining their flash lights into their faces.
"What's going on here!" One of the cops shouted.
"Breaking into the school at night for fun. You kids must be looking for trouble." The other said.
"Officer.." Rhiannon was about to speak.
"Stop! I don't want to hear it. You can say what you want to say down at the station." The first cop spoke.
"Please, I can't get in trouble!" Rhiannon seemed to be the only one speaking. I realized the only ones still here were Casey, Lufian, the twins, Rhiannon, and me.
"Lets go." The cop led us out the building and into their cars. I sat with Casey and Sapphire.
"Are you really ok? I was so scared I thought.." Casey whispered looking as if he was going to cry again.
"I'm ok really, I, I just slipped." I whispered back and he put his arm around me.
"You're lucky. No one knew you fell in the pool. I thought you were outside or something."
"Wait, it wasn't you that got me?" I turned my head to him.
"Oh... don't freak out."
"Really! I'm already freaked, I almost drowned!" I shook my head.
"I guess Lufian saw you fall because he was the one who noticed you fell in." He said quickly.
"Oh. My. God. He...."
"Yep, he's the one that jumped in and saved you." You've got to be kidding me. I almost die, have some weird hallucination (which now I was sure was an hallucination), and the love of my life who I can't even look at is the one that saved me. My life is so fucked up.
"You're telling me no one realized I was in the pool.... but him?" Casey nodded at me and I started to feel kind of sick. Time passed and we arrived at the police station and the officers showed us in. They began asking questions and in the end called the school principal and everyones parents. After about ten minutes the principal arrived.
"I can't believe this. Star player of the lacrosse team, captain of the cheer team" he spoke to Lufian and Rhiannon "and probably the smartest in your year" he looked at me. "Since it's late you'll go home when your parents get here and first thing Monday your all going to be in my office. First thing!" He was definitely pissed. First Rhiannons parents got her, then Caseys. Time went by, Lufian, the twins and me sat waiting for our parents. I don't know anything about Amethyst and Sapphires parents. I've never even thought of Lufians. If my mom was here she would be just as pissed as the principal. Ah that's right my mother. I saw her. Did I? I don't even know anymore. What made my brain imagine that at the brink of death.
"Tamsin." I heard my name and turned.
"Dad." My heart sped up, he actually showed up. An hour late but better late then never.
"I can take my daughter right?" He walked to the police offers desk.
"Yes, but"
"Let's go." He told me to get up.
"Sir, your daughter was caught with other kids breaking into the school."
"Ok, is the situation handled? You called me to get her yes? I was busy and had to come down here for this." Yeah busy drinking and passed out on the couch.
"I understand sir but." The cop tried to speak again.
"We're leaving. Hurry up and let's go or your walking home." He turned and looked at me and started walking out on his own.
"I'm sorry." I apologized to the officer for my fathers behavior. I was even more embarrassed that Lufian had to witness him. I quickly went out and got into his car. Honestly I don't know why I got in the car knowing he's borderline drunk all the time. Guess I just have a death wish today. He drove off. He stayed silent the car ride home which was a huge relief for me until we got home. I got out of the car after him and followed to the front door.
"You stupid girl." He turned to me after closing the door once we were inside. Here we go I said to myself. "What mess did you have to get yourself into! Huh!" He shouted at me.
"Like you would care." I turned away and was making my way to the stairs but he grabbed my arm.
"You act bad it makes me looked bad!"
"You don't need me for that!" I yelled back.
"What'd you say!"
"Your bad on your own! You don't need me for that!" He suddenly raised his hand and slapped me across my cheek. I pulled my arm from his grasp.
"Sorry did I say bad? My mistake I meant pathetic." I ran up the stairs and slammed my room door and locked it behind me. I sat down on the bed. I wanted to cry but why waste tears on someone as low as him. I put my hand to the cheek he slapped. Why doesn't it hurt. Maybe the pain doesn't bother me anymore.
   I began to change out of my clothes. Crap I left my sweater in Caseys car. I layed on my bed and looked up at the dark ceiling. I just stared. I wanted to sleep but my brain wouldn't let me. I grabbed my phone to look at the time. Two o'clock, at least Fridays over. Turning over I closed my eyes to try to sleep once again. After yawning my eyes felt heavy and I was able to fall asleep.

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