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"Whoa!" Marty exclaimed, making sure he didn't lose his balance on the train. Rosie felt horrible. Not only did she feel guilty about making everything harder on the boys, but she also felt like absolutely shit. Her eyes felt heavy and she was loosing feeling in her leg. She held on tightly to Marty, hoping that it would be okay. The Doc jumped from one level to another, turning around to see his friends.

   "Come on, Marty!" Doc called out. He jumped the level, and landed as gracefully as possible. They ran across the logs and chains as quickly as possible, gaining balance where they could. They pulled masks over their faces in order to go through with Doc's plan. They climbed up a ladder, landing in a crate full of wood. Doc pulled a gun out of his pocket, pointing it at the conductor. "Reach!"

"Is this a holdup?" The conductor asked.

"It's a science experiment!" Doc replied. Marty was clearly distracted. His main thought process wasn't to get to the DeLorean, or to get home. Now it was purely to get Rosie to safety. She was still clinging to his back, leaning her tired head on his shoulder. "Stop the train just before you hit the switch track up ahead."

The train slowed down, and eventually came to a full stop. The two teenagers jumped off and ran towards the switch track, pulling the lever.

"Doc!" Marty called out to let him know it what done.

"Uncouple the cars from the tender!" Doc yelled you the crewmen. They did as told, and Doc got the train moving once more. Marty climbed up, still carrying his girlfriend. They watched as the train picked up speed.

"How are you feeling?" Marty asked Rosie, concern evident in his voice.

"Fine," she mumbled. Marty tucked his head into her arms, which were wrapped around his shoulders.

"We're so close," he told her. "I promise."

Doc childishly blew the whistle multiple times. "I've wanted to do that all my life!"

Rosie giggled lightly, wrapping her arms around Marty's body tighter. He smiled at the thought of her being coherent enough to understand her surroundings and being able to laugh. He didn't know how much blood she was loosing, but could see the blood through the bandage. He could only hope that they would get home before things got worse.

   The train began to pull up to the DeLorean, and the Doc let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Marty opened the door to the time machine and carefully set Rosie inside. He helped her get buckled, and grabbed the objects from the seat.

   "What are these things anyway?" Marty asked the Doc.

   "My own version of Presto Logs," Doc replied. "Compressed wood with anthracite dust chemically treated to burn hotter and longer. I use 'em in my forge so I don't have to stoke it. These three in the furnace will ignite sequentially, make the fire burn hotter, kick up the boiler pressure and make the train go faster."

   "Okay, Doc, let's hurry. We need to get Rosie home," Marty said.

   Doc completed the necessary precautions, and Marty sat in the front of the car, seeing Rosie tying yet another bandage around her ankle.

   "Ready to roll!" Marty exclaimed, noticing how pale Rosie's face had become.

   "Marty," Rosie said quietly.

   "What's wrong, Princess?" He asked worriedly.

   "I don't feel too hot," she said in a whisper. Marty looked over, and watched as she passed out.

   "No, no, no," Marty said, reaching over and grabbing her arm, pulling her closer to him. Her head fell onto his shoulder, and he kept one hand on the wheel, and the other arm around her, holding her in place. As the train began to move behind them, Clara Clayton followed their trail.

When the Clock Strikes TwelveWhere stories live. Discover now