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   "Here! This spur runs off the main line three miles out to Clayton Ravine. It's a long stretch of level track that will still exist in 1985! This is where we'll push the DeLorean with a locomotive. Funny. This map calls Clayton Ravine, 'Shonash Ravine.' That must be the old Indian name for it. It's perfect! A nice long run that goes clear across the bridge over the ravine. You know, over that Hilldale housing development?" Doc said, pointing at a large map.

   "Right, Doc. But according to this map, there is no bridge," Marty said, pointing to the same area in the paper.

"Let's go check. Maybe it's an old map," Rosie said. The other two agreed, and they made their way towards the designated area. When they arrived, they saw that the train tracks ended, falling off at a large cliff.

"Well, Doc, we can scratch that idea. We can't wait around a year and a half for this thing to get finished," Marty said, staring out into the distance. Rosie looked at him, noticing the defeated look and thinking about how it would be impossible to wait that long.

"Marty, it's perfect! You're just not thinking fourth-dimensionally!" Doc said as the three turned back and began to walk away. Rosie couldn't think of any possible silver linings to the unfinished track.

"Right, right, I have a real problem with that," Marty said sarcastically.

"Don't you see? The bridge will exist in 1985. It's safe and still in use," Doc said, and Rosie perked up.

"So as long as we get the DeLorean up to 88 miles an hour, before we hit the edge of the ravine, we'll arrive when the bridge is complete!" Rosie exclaimed, understanding Doc's idea.

"Yes! We'll have a track under us and we'll coast safely across the ravine," Doc said. Marty helped lift Rosie onto the horse, and he followed. She linked her arms around his waist safely.

"What about the locomotive?" Marty asked curiously. Doc hopped onto his horse so they were eye level.

"It'll be a spectacular wreck," Doc replied. "Too bad no one will be around to see it."

Before Doc could finish his thought, they heard a woman screaming.

"Help me! Help!" She called out. The three turned their heads towards the sound, and saw a lady riding a wagon, and the horse that was pulling it was running straight for the ravine.

   "Great Scott!" Doc exclaimed, turning his horse and leading it towards the woman. Marty and Rosie followed. They chased the cart, and the horses were right on her tail. The sounds of their hooves hitting the floor drowned out the wind. Doc drew closer to her, and helped pull her onto his own horse. Right as he did so, her wagon fell down the cliff. "Whoa! Whoa!"

"Oh my god," Rosie said, squinting her eyes so she could see the mysterious woman.

"Oh thank you, sir," the lady said gratefully. "You saved my... life."

As the woman moved her hat out of her face, the two made eye contact. Doc Brown was in shock. This was the feeling he believed that he would never feel.

"Emmett Brown, at your service, Miss-," he introduced.

"Um. Um. Clayton," she said as her hat awkwardly fell onto her head.

"What's going on over there?" Marty whispered to Rosie. She shook her head, leaning further off of the horse to see.

"I'm not sure," she replied.

"Clara Clayton," the woman finished, and Doc began to remember what he had been attempting to forget.

"Clara," Doc said.

When the Clock Strikes TwelveWhere stories live. Discover now