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The DeLorean landed in the sun filled Wild West. As quickly as they had landed there, Marty and Rosie came face to face with a group of people riding horses straight towards them. Marty hit the breaks and they looked at each other.

"Indians!" The two screamed. Marty began to reverse, heading downward. He turned the steering wheel hard and began to drive the direction the men and horses were going. He backed into a cave, and the men rode past them. They opened the doors, and walked out, climbing up to look around the plains. They heard the sound of a bugle and saw men on horses galloping towards them.

"Shit! The Calvary!" He exclaimed, and they both jumped off of the rocks. They hid in the cave as dust flew around them. The sound of the bugle faded as the two inspected the DeLorean, pulling an arrow out of the side.

"Damnit," Rosie said, handing Marty his boots. They heard an odd sound, and Marty bent down to inspect the noise.

"Damn we ripped the fuel line," Marty said.

"Marty. We have a bigger problem," Rosie said from where she was standing. He looked up from his crouching position and came face to face with a bear. He stood up and screamed. "Come on!"

The two ran out out of the cave as fast as physically possible. They looked back and saw the bear chasing them. Marty tossed his boots back and they continued running. They ran up some rocks and Rosie stopped at the top, watching as her boyfriend... or whatever he was at that point... toppled down a hill. He hit his head on a fence and passed out.

   "Marty!" She exclaimed, running down the steep hill, holding her dress up. She reached him at the same time a man did. The man hit Marty's face trying to wake him up. "Oh my god Marty." The man then began to yell in an Irish accent.

   "Maggie! Fetch some water. We got a hurt man here!" Rosie crouched down next to him. "He'll be just fine."

   "Thank you," Rosie said, looking up and noticing that the man looked oddly like the unconscious boy. The man picked him up and tossed him over his shoulders, walking him into the house. He laid him in a bed and Rosie sat next to him, tucking him in and pulling his hair through her hand lovingly so he wouldn't be frightened when he woke up. She thought she was seeing things when the man's wife walked in, and looked exactly like Lorraine McFly. Rosie began to fall asleep, and decided to take a quick nap.

Eventually, he began to groan in his sleep. He turned slightly.

"Mom? Mom, is that you?" He asked, still half asleep.

"There, there, now. You've been asleep for nearly six hours now," the lady said, bringing a wet washcloth to his head.

"I had this horrible nightmare. I dreamed I was- I dreamed Rosie and I were in a western," he said. "We were being chased by all these Indians, and a bear."

"Well, you're safe and sound here now at the McFly farm," she said. He opened his eyes widely,

"McFly farm?" He sat up quickly, waking Rosie. She sat up with him, but he barely noticed. "Well you're my- you're my- my- who are you?"

   "The names McFly. Maggie McFly," she said in her Irish accent.

   "McFly? Maggie?" Marty asked.

   "And that's Mrs. McFly, and don't you be forgettin' the Mrs," she said. "And what might your name be, sir?"

   "Well, it's Mc- Eastwood? Uh, Clint Eastwood," he said.

   "And your friend here?" The lady asked, gesturing towards the girl. Rosie gave her a smile.

   "Sondra. Sondra Locke," she replied.

   "Well, you hit your head, Mr. Eastwood," Maggie said. "Not too serious, but lucky for you, Seamus found you both when he did."

"Seamus?" Marty questioned.

"Me husband," she replied, before hearing a baby begin to cry. "You'll be excusin' me, Mr. Eastwood and Ms. Locke while I tend to William."

"William?" Rosie asked him. Marty stood up from the bed, then grabbed Rosie's hand, pulling her up as they heard Maggie McFly talk to her child. They walked to the doorway and watched.

"That's William?" Marty asked.

"Aye. William Sean McFly, the first of our family to be born in America," she replied. Marty gulped.

"Here we go again," Rosie said, holding onto the doorway.

"Oh, that's okay, Will. This here's Mr. Clint Eastwood and Ms. Sondra Locke here visitin'," the mother said, bouncing the baby up and down. "Sure'n he likes you two."

The door busted open and in walked Seamus McFly, gun in hand.

"Maggie! I've got supper," he said, holding up a dead animal. The group sat down at the table, and began to eat. "I'm not one to pry into a man's personal affairs, but exactly how is it that you two came to be way out here without a horse? Or boots? Or a hat?"

"Well, my ca-, horse broke down and-and a bear ate my boots, and I guess I just forgot my hat," Marty said.

"How could you forget a thing like your hat?" Maggie asked.

"We were in a bit of a rush," Rosie attempted to clarify.

"Would you like some water?" Maggie asked. The two said yes and she poured a discolored liquid into their glasses.

"I'll tell you what I'll do Ms. Locke and Mr Eastwood. I'll help you find your blacksmith friend. You can stay the night in the barn. And tomorrow, I'll take you as far as the railroad tracks. You can follow 'em straight on into town," Seamus said.

"That's very kind of you sir," Rosie said when Marty hadn't answered.

"I'll even give you a hat," he told Marty.

Maggie, who was standing at the stove, gave a dramatic sigh and performed the sign of the cross across her chest.

"That's great. Thanks," Marty said.

"Seamus two unmarried people cannot sleep in the barn together," Maggie said.

"We'll set up two areas," Seamus argued back. The sound of William crying filled the room. Seamus walked over to his basket and picked him up. He then sat back in his chair, William in his arms. "I think you'll find the barn comfortable. Never had any complaints about it from the pigs."

   "Seamus. A word with you," Maggie said, which worried her husband.

   "Aye," he replied, dropping his fork. He then walked over to Rosie, handing her William. "Will you hold him for a minute?"

   "Why do things keep getting weirder?" Rosie asked Marty, as she held the baby up to their faces. He shook his head.

   "Not sure yet. I'll get back to you when I figure it out," he replied, smiling at the baby. "Hey buddy."

   "Here," Rosie said, handing him the baby.

   "So, you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly born in America," Marty said. He then felt a liquid wetting his pants.

   "And he peed on you," Rosie said, laughing.

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