Chapter 37- My Life Is Shattered (Finale)

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(America POV)

I had talked to Philippines and she continued to encourage me to tell Russia about meeting her so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I've kept it a secret from him for over a month and it's time I finally tell him. When I entered the house it was dead silent, at first I thought no one was home but when I went upstairs everyone's bedroom doors were closed. I knocked on Russia's bedroom door,

"Rus, I'm back." I said. There was no answer from inside, "Rus?" I asked. Again there was no answer. "I'm coming in..." I said finally before walking into the room. Russia was sitting on his bed facing away from the door, his head hung low. 'What's his problem?' I asked myself. "Hey Russia, there's something I need to tell you." I said. Russia turned around, his eyes blazing into mine. He looked furious... but why?

"No America... there's something I need to tell you..." Rus got up slowly and walked over to me, then with one swift motion he grabbed me from the front of my shirt and shoved me against the wall.

"R-Russia what are you doing!?" I asked nervously, 'why the heck is he attacking me?!'

"I... I... I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU AMERICA! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE LYING TO ME! BUT YOU BREAK MY HEART AGAIN!" Russia burst out, pressing me harder against the wall.

"Wh-What are you talking about?!" I asked struggling to free myself from his grasp.

"Ukraine and Belarus told me you were sneaking off to be with Philippines! I didn't want to believe them but they had evidence... I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME AMERICA!" Russia yelled.

"I do love you Russia! And there was nothing between me and Philippines. She was just a friend, I needed someone to help comfort me with everything going on..." I explained trying to sound calm.

"Was I not enough?! Did I not give you enough attention?!" At this point I could see tears pricking at the sides of Russia's eyes. "Was... I not there for you... when you needed me? Is... that why you don't love me?" Those last words made my heart crack. Seeing Russia like this... made me realize what I had done.

"I do love you Russia! I love you so much it hurts!" I said, putting my hand up to his face.

"I can say the same to you... but that's the problem..." My eyes widened at this. "Because I love you... it's made me blind to the truth... the truth about who you really are... are you taking advantage of me? Is that what's going on? Was I letting you get away with too much?"

"Russia..." I whispered. Rus let go of me and took a few steps back...

"America... I... don't think we should be together anymore... I've given you too many chances." He muttered looking away from me. I felt like collapsing on my knees... I couldn't lose him! Not again!

"Russia please! I promise I'll never-"

"You say that every time 'I promise' you say it but you clearly don't mean it..." His voice was a low whisper and I could see tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Russia, come on!" I reached to put my hand on his shoulder but he moved away, he didn't seem to hear me.

"Go pack your stuff... and leave..." Russia said, gesturing for me to leave the room. I opened my mouth to argue but couldn't bring myself to. I left to go to my room and pack my stuff...

(Time Skip)

I felt completely dead... Russia watched me walk out of the front door as I left. The look on his face was unreadable.

I looked back at him one last time, "Goodbye Russia..." I sniffed as another river of tears ran down my face.

"До свидания... Америка..." (Goodbye... America...) His voice was shaking but I could tell he was trying to keep a straight face. I turned and left most likely seeing Russia for the last time. As I walked down the sidewalk I couldn't help but feel... empty... It felt as if I had lost a part of me. Russia had been everything to me... and now... he's gone... my life is completely shattered. It's all my fault... I shouldn't have been meeting with Philippines in the first place! Now... where am I going to go? Russia kicked me out... now I have nowhere to live. Maybe... it's time I give my father a visit...

To be continued....    

Alright... The story is finished! I can't thank y'all enough for reading 37 chapters of this story! Tell me if you guys wanna sequel then just tell me, I already have an idea in mind so if you want a one I'll give it to you. But for now I'm going to take a month break. Thank you again for reading A Shattered Life UwO

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