Chapter 12

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Picture above is not mine, credits to rightful owner. But it is hottttt.
My exams are cancelled.Yayyy!!
Now to the chapter:

On the morning of 20 December, Draco and Harry packed the last of their things and made their way to the train to go to the Burrow. They could have apparated but Draco's apparating privileges had been taken away. Harry seethed with anger when he got to know but Draco calmed him down. Pansy was coming with them too as all the Slytherins had been invited, but Blaise was going to meet Neville's Grandmother and Gregory, Damien, Tia were going back to their own families.

Everybody going to the Burrow made their way to the train even though Draco had insisted that he could come with Pansy as she wasn't allowed to apparate either. The Gryffindors and Luna had had none of it and it had been decided that everybody would take the train. Hermione had suggested that they could side-along them, but that wasn't allowed either.

As they walked towards the train, the Ravenclaw girls from the other day approached Harry. Draco hadn't cared to learn their names but as they got closer he sneered at them. The girls ignored him and turned to Harry.

"You know I searched the dictionary for the meaning of handsome and your name came up," one of them said, twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes.

What the fuck?! Draco was standing right there and he decided to step in.

"Look for not interested and taken, his name will come up there too," he sneered and pulled his boyfriend around the girls.

Behind him he could hear Hermione saying, "well you are Ravenclaws so you must know everything."

The Ravenclaw replied haughtily with an of course.

"Then you must also know how to treat that burn," Pansy said and Draco could practically hear the triumphant smirk in her voice.

He turned around to see two offended Ravenclaws and Pansy and Hermione who smirked at each other and high-fived.

The train ride passed uneventfully otherwise and in the last half hour, Draco was a bundle of nerves. He tried keeping his calm composure but inside he was freaking out. He knew, that the Weasleys had invited him but he was scared. The Weasleys were Harry's family and he was bloody scared.

Harry saw right through the calm exterior and took his hand rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
"Hey, they are going to love you, yes I know you are scared about all that happened but all of them understand and are ready to put it in the past, just be who you really are, okay," Harry said. Draco wouldn't say that he wasn't nervous, but his nervousness had decreased.

As they got off at the station, Molly and Arthur were there to pick them up. Molly hugged everybody and when she reached Draco and Pansy, she hugged them too, like they were part of the family now. Arthur too greeted Draco and Pansy, the way he had greeted everyone else.

Draco realised how loving the Weasleys were, they welcomed Draco and Pansy into the family and treated them like it. The Burrow wasn't impressive in any way, but when you stepped inside, you could feel the positive aura of the building as if the place had seen a lot of love and happiness. There was a hint of sadness but the love made up for it.

All the Weasley brothers patted him on the back and assured him that all water was under the bridge. The day passed well enough, there was a little awkwardness at times but that was expected.

The next day he followed George into the living area, fear settling in the pit of his stomach. He had been standing with Harry who was talking to Arthur in the garden outside, when George had come and said he wanted to talk to Draco alone.

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