Chapter 7

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Warning: cuteness up ahead

Draco went back to his dorm, smiling and dazedly touching his lips. Stop it he said to himself as he tried to control the love sick smile that threatened to spill across his face. You are a Malfoy for Merlin's sake, stop being an idiot.

He quietly snuck into his dorm and into bed, and that was the moment his over analytical brain decided to go into overdrive. 

'What if this was just some sort of twisted joke? What if Ha-Potter was just pranking him so that he could tell the whole school tomorrow about what an idiot Malfoy is? Anyway why would Potter want him, the Golden Boy with a Death Eater? Of course it was a set up, and Draco had played right into it,' a voice in his head said. 

'You are thinking like a Slytherin Draco,' another voice replied. 'Think like a Gryffindor. They are too noble for that, only a Slytherin would do something like this, and Potter is the most noble Gryffindor. Hell, he is probably more of a Gryffindor than Godric himself,' the second voice said. 

'But what if it's true, he hates me and this is a twisted prank? I mean I am a Death Eater after all,' the first voice said. 

'You were a Death Eater, Draco' the second voice said again. 

"Great, now I am talking to myself," Draco mumbled out loud. But he knew one thing, Harry would never do something like that, with his Gryffindork attitude and hero complex. 

"Think like a Gryffindor, think like a Gryffindor, think like....." he repeated over and over to himself as he fell asleep. 

Nothing, practically nothing could remove the smile from Draco's face on Wednesday. He couldn't even bring himself to pretend glare at Pansy when she threw a blueberry muffin at him, because he was busy smiling at a particular Gryffindor who wouldn't stop smiling back. 

He saw the confused looks his friends were giving him, Pansy poked him in the side, "Draco, darling, you are smiling like a love sick puppy." Draco instantly tried to stop his smile but couldn't. Pansy rolled her eyes, "What did you do this time?" Even Blaise didn't stop her, he wanted to know too. "I'll tell you, but not here." They finished their breakfast and left the Hall, but not before Draco had discreetly waved at Harry. 

He pulled both of his friends into an empty classroom and cast a lot of silencing and privacy spells before saying anything. "Okay, I may have kissed Potter," he said, smiling shyly. Before he could say anything. Pansy was squealing and hugging him. "And I thought I was the Hufflepuff of the group," Draco said, laughing. Blaise just stood there and grinned at him, but he was so happy that his best friend had finally had his feelings reciprocated and he would find out what being loved felt like. 

Draco was practically walking on air as he walked into Potions and sat down next to Harry. "Hey," Harry said, smiling, and Draco held Harry's hand under the table before replying. They got to work on their assignment, which was preparing Wolfsbane Potion. Harry and Draco worked in a companionable silence and hung back after the class was over, and Harry kissed him as soon as the class was empty. Professor Slughorn had gone inside his office too. Draco pulled back and looked into the beautiful green eyes of the boy in front of him, he wanted to tell everyone that he was with Harry Potter. He didn't care what the others would think, he had Harry but he didn't know if Harry wanted the same. 

"How do you feel about telling everyone about us?" Draco asked him hesitantly. What if Harry thought they were just a fling? What if Harry was embarrassed of being seen in public with a Death Eater? His brain went into panic mode again. The black haired boy kissed him, effectively putting a stop to Draco's train of thought as he couldn't think about anything but Harry. Harry's hair, where Draco's fingers were tangled, or Harry's body which was pressed against his, and Harry's lips that were lovingly kissing his own.  He smiled softly as the two pulled away, a little breathless.

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