Chapter 8

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There is smut in this chapter and I have put a warning before that so you guys can skip if you want.

Dedicated to GeekStee for giving me great advice. I hope this chapter reads better.


"No you don't, you deserve someone much better than me and maybe someday you will find that person and leave me," Harry said, and he sounded so sad. Little did he know that Draco Malfoy had started to fall in love with the Gryffindor in front of him. He knew he could never find someone better.

Draco pressed his lips against Harry's and said, "I will have you know that this 'someday' is never coming, because there is no one out there better than you." Draco wanted Harry to know that, and remember it, because he was never leaving him. Harry smiled widely at Draco's answer, and then pulled away so they could get ready for breakfast. 

Draco took his time in the bathroom, washing his hair properly and then gelling it back. As soon as Draco got out of the bathroom, Harry messed his hair up. Draco shot him a glare while he tried to flatten his hair back but his boyfriend stopped him. "You look better with your hair not gelled back," he said. Draco stopped trying to flatten his hair and let Harry cast a spell to remove the gel from his hair. 

Harry ran a hand through Draco's hair and then said, "How is it so soft? What do you use?" Draco looked at him. "Shampoo and conditioner," he said, shrugging like he couldn’t understand why someone would not use them. "Conditioner, what's that?" Harry asked. 
Draco looked incredulous, "I can not believe that I like a man who doesn't know what a conditioner is. You at least know what a comb is right?" 

"Of course I know what a comb is," Harry said indignantly. "Then use it," Draco said while making an attempt to flatten Harry's hair, which only made the strands stand up more. He pulled his hand, back groaning at his failed attempt. Harry laughed and took his hand, leading him out of the room. 

They met with the other guys on the way and saw the girls were already in the Great Hall. Harry told them that they weren't coming to Hogsmeade, but would definitely come next week. When they were asked why, Draco interrupted and said because he hadn't slept that well last night and was tired, which was kind of true. He was sure Pansy and Blaise had caught on to his lies, but they didn't show it. 

Harry wasn't eating again, and Draco was going to ask him about it today no matter what. When everyone was done they started leaving for Hogsmeade after saying goodbye to Harry and Draco. 

Draco put his arm around Harry's shoulders, there were still students in the Hall but he didn't care. "Why don't you eat?" he asked gently. 

Harry looked at him, "After the war, I couldn't bring myself to do anything, I shut myself up in Grimmauld Place and wouldn't eat anything until Molly persuaded me to come to the Burrow and took care of me like she always has, and started making me eat again. Then we came back here, and a lot of memories came back to haunt me. I kept trying to eat as much as I could and not go into full shutdown, but it's hard to keep up all the time." Harry slumped against Draco with a defeated sigh, and not knowing what else to do, Draco hugged his boyfriend. 

Then he picked up the fork and took some bacon off Harry's plate, he offered it to Harry. Harry looked at him, and then smiled when Draco fed him. He ate the next bites too. Draco had never felt so intimate with someone, so close emotionally. He was pretty sure that the feeling that was thrumming through his veins was the feeling of being unconditionally in love. Draco smiled, he could feel people staring and he knew that there would be at least 10 articles about this in the Daily Prophet, but they could deal with that when it happened. For now, he was happy that nobody had tried hexing his balls off for dating their Saviour. After breakfast, Draco decided to go to the lake, while Harry went back to the dorm room.

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