Dinner Date

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"Thank you for coming; I know it's last minute, but I really did not have anyone else to call," says Lorraine while catching her breath.

"It's fine," said Mandy, their babysitter.

"Beside, I love spending time with the little ones; they are always so well behaved. I barely have to do anything." Said the girl as she nodded her curls up and down, reinforcing her statement.

Lorraine raised an eyebrow as she offered the girl one of her freshly made cupcakes.

"Ok, fine I'll admit it. I'm here because of the pay; that's the only reason that would make me skip my afternoon class."

Lorraine, who was putting away some clean dishes, froze.

"You're missing class?" She asked, her voice sporting a visible sense of guilt.

The red hair shrugged. "Yeah, but it wasn't an important one. It's not like it's the first time; don't worry about it," she said, grabbing an apple from the stationed fruit bowl.

"Are you sure?" Lorraine asked once again, feeling at fault for calling her over so abruptly.

The young girl waved her off while making a sound of approval.

"So, where are the little beasts? I mean, my baby chipmunks',' she said, saving herself from a disastrous statement.

Lorraine smiled amused before replying, "They are having their afternoon nap. They should be knocked out for a couple more hours."

"Perfect!" exclaimed the girl as she clapped her two hands together. "I've got some time to do some work!"

Lorraine nodded along before making her way towards her walk-in closet room.

"I am just going to change, then I'll head out. The kids know you are coming, so they won't be freaked out when they wake up and see you. Also, the baby monitor...

"It's in the usual place," interrupted Mandy before grinning. "It's fine; this is basically like a second home to me now."

Lorraine sighed in relief before she rushed to get herself prepared and meet up with her friends.




*Caffe Blanco*

15:30 pm

"-Lorri! Lorri! Here!" said a heavily accented voice as Lorraine rounded the corner of the fanciful cafe.

She scanned her surroundings, attempting to pinpoint the direction of the voice, when she finally spotted a little, petite woman jumping up and out as she waved her arms around, trying to get her attention.

Lorraine smiled in recognition before approaching the table.

There waiting in their baby pink attire (yes, they liked to give themselves dressing codes when they met up) was Hyolin,which was basically her own Korean twin, and Monica, the little, spicy Latina, who had been waving at her frantically.

Jade, the feisty one of the group and also the only biracial lady of the group, was present; Aiseh, the gentle Iranian soul who had just given Monica a dirty look for her loudness, was there; and finally Ricky, her best friend and soulmate from birth. The young British lad had dramatically flung himself over her, hugging her tight as he exclaimed:

"-Girl! I thought you were never coming. I almost died here hanging around these clowns," he exclaimed loudly, as if the women in question were not sitting right across him.

Jade scoffed while Monica replied, "Bitch, please! just sit down."

Lorraine giggled at their antics.

It did not matter how many designer clothes they wore or at which places they ate; they were all going to still be'street' and still act like they used to.

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