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Heavy steps resonated through the white marbles, the rhythmic click-clack of a pair of heels sounding as a notice that a new presence had made his way.

The receptionist, a young but tenacious woman, smiled at the approaching man before standing up and giving a little bow as a sign of greeting.

"Good morning, sir," she muttered, her voice dripping in honey, despite the man not sparing a glance at her.

He walked straight by her, ignoring the sequence of salutations that came past him with every encounter with a member of staff.

The man stood, unfazed and unbothered approaching the big, glass elevator which was to take him to his floor.

The 50th floor.

Not only the glass elevator had been specifically reserved for his use only, but the entire 50th floor had been reserved for him.

In no time, the man had reached his destination.

Sungjae walked into his office, his whole figure oozing off an aura of power and confidence that no one in that company apart from him could be able to emanate. His face was laced with an unusual sternness and his demeanour screamed of high class.

He was truly one of a kind.

In such a short amount of time, he had achieved great accomplishments for his company. He started young; at the age of 19, he had already begun building his little empire. By the age of 21, he had already stabilised his company's ever-increasing earnings, gaining lots of national recognition. Now that he was 24, he had established his legacy worldwide, being one of the most respected and talked-of \Asian descent millionaires in the United States.

He was considered a hero and a role model for young Asian Americans who dreamed of establishing their own business among the sector's fierce competition.

It was no wonder that despite his entanglement.....or should he say his marriage?  He still had literally every single female employee throwing themselves at his feet, trying their luck with a man so successful and accomplished . Those females tended to ignore the office's dressing code, wearing sultry-looking dresses and wearing way more than acceptable amounts of make-up in an attempt to seduce the young millionaire.

Fortunately, Sungjae was not the type of person who would fall for a cute smile and a pair of sexy hips. He had high morals, and besides, he was indeed happily married with children or so it appeared.

Not that his employees didn't know that. Lorraine tended to pass by his office whenever she could, bringing some of her home-cooked meals for him to enjoy. They just had no conscience.

Greed is a human trait, after all.

Sungjae had begun going through some paperwork, his head throbbing as he took in the number of things that required to be sorted out, when someone burst into his office unceremoniously, without his  permission , causing his initial irritation to increase tenfold.

He looked up, ready to curse the intruding person, when he realised that standing there with his 5'8 short legs was his childhood best friend, Caleb Wood, who sported a wide grin as he nonchalantly threw himself over the large couch located on the side of his office.

The light-skinned chocolate man had no regard whatsoever for the company's in-office code of conduct. He kicked off his shoes and placed his arms behind his head for support without any reservations.

"- Dude? You look so stressed, you should chill a bit," he said, his tone clearly amused as he gave his friend a once-over.

Sungjae frowned at the sight in front of him. He knew his friend was naturally an easy-going guy, but he wasn't in the mood to entertain his bullshit, not today. He was already stressed, and he didn't need a clown to add to his throbbing headache.

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