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𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩. 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩. 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩. 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐩


𝙊h fuck! It feels like I just closed my damn eyes.

I groaned closing my eyes tightly not wanting to wake up. I could feel myself slowly falling back asleep until I heard-


God why does she have to yell so loud.

"Babe It's your first day of residency, you don't wanna be late." I heard a soft voice say followed by the feeling of hands rubbing down my back.

My eyes flew open and I saw long black hair covering the pillows.

"Uhh yeah, you have to go." I whispered quickly hopping up from the bed.


"What?" I shrugged not understanding.

"That's all you have to say Y/N?"

I shrugged as I furrowed my eyebrows up in confusion. "Uhhh is there something I missed?"

The girl just rolled her eyes as she watched me before getting up and heading to my in-suit. Is it bad that I've been screwing around with this chick on and off for like 4 weeks now and I still can't remember her name? I hope not cause I don't have time to feel like a jerk.

Just as I was bending down to grab my boxers the door flew open.

"Jesus Alex!" I shouted grabbing the closest thing to me which happened to be a large pillow using it to cover my lower body. "Mind knocking first you ass."

He looked at me then down at the bed. All he did was chuckle and shake his head before shutting the door.

Walking into my bathroom I saw the girl standing there naked.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving." She said holding her hand up.

I shrugged. "No need to rush now, I'm enjoying the view."

She turned from the mirror giving me an even better view of the front of her body. "Is this better?"

I bit down on my lip and nodded. "Hell yeah? Mind if I touch?"

"You can do whatever you please." She whispered as she reached out to me pulling me into her body.

"Oh yeah?"

The girl nodded as she slow stood on her tiptoes wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yeah." Our lips connected and I lifted her up in my arms walking us both into the hot water. "As long as I can touch you."

"Do your worst."

Her hands ran through my hair pulling it out of the bun. I could feel my dick getting harder and harder by the second and I just needed to release.

"You know we have to make this quick." She panted as she pulled away making me nod.

I chuckled and nodded. "Don't worry sugar I'll be quick."

"Morning sis." I said with my mouth full of cereal as I watched Meredith come downstairs with my niece Zola in her arms.

I reached out for her and she immediately came to me.

Meredith frowned. "First swallow all of your food before talking to me, two hurry up before I leave your butt behind I need to get Zola to daycare."

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