Chapter 15: Confessions

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Ezekiel sat beside me as he looked down at the project's instructions for physics. He furrowed his eyebrows as he picked the paper up in his darker hands, a sigh escaping his throat before looking over in my direction.

''I've come to the conclusion that this is bullshit.'' He said to me, throwing the paper down on the table and leaning against the chair he sat in. I nodded my head in agreement, watching as he crossed his arms across his chest with a look of complete despair in his eyes. I couldn't help but scoff as I pulled myself up from the chair, walking over to my backpack that sat against the door of my bedroom.

''If you partnered up with me to get a better grade, you fucked up. I wasn't listening in class, you know. I don't even know what subject we are on.'' I admitted. He shook his head immediately, turning his body towards me with disagreement painted on his face.

''I partnered with you because I enjoy your presence, stupid. If I wanted someone to do my project, I would have partnered up with Chi.'' He said to me. I rolled my eyes, reaching in my backpack and grabbing the green phyiscs folder. He shook his head at the sight, motioning for me to hand it to him.

''You can't even organize your papers right. Why did you decide to put physics in a green folder, anyway? Everyone knows you put it in a blue folder.''

''Excuse me for being colorblind, you asshole.''

He rolled his eyes at my words, motioning for me to sit back down next to him. I watched as he went through all of the papers, looking for any notes or papers that could help us figure out exactly what we were doing. Ezekiel began humming gently to himself as he pulled a few papers out, throwing the folder to the side before picking up the rubric to the project again. His eyes widened as he came to realization, motioning for me to look at the paper.

''It's about Thermodynamics!''

''I know, Ezekiel. That's the title of the paper.''

''...I'm gonna ask Chi to do the project.''

''Great idea.''

We went down to the kitchen after all of our hard work. I promised him that I would make him something to eat after we worked on our project, so I started to make him some pasta... the only thing I really knew how to make. He sat at the counter with his face resting against his hand, gazing at me with a soft smile lingering on his lips.

''What are you looking at?'' I asked him.

''I can't look at my boyfriend? geez, you're in a mood.'' He said to me, glaring in my direction. I felt the heat rise to my face at his words, shaking my head in disagreement as I poured the spaghetti sauce into the pan.

''What do you expect! We waited all of this time to do the project, and now two days before it's due we are asking someone to do it?''


''Now we have to pay Chi to do some stupid project that we didn't even have time to do! She's probably doing other projects, you know. I feel stupid.''


''Shut up, Ezekiel!''

He suddenly stood in front of me, placing his hand firmly around my neck and pulling me to his lips. I flushed red at the contact, kissing him back with a sigh escaping my lips. My hands found their way to my sides limp, the anger that was building up in my chest leaving my body as he held me close to him. He pulled his lips away from mine, pulling his hand from my neck and looking at me with a sheepish smile. 

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