Chapter 4: Soulmates

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Tonight, Alva and I have been invited to a party for all warlocks. We have been invited by a warlock named Vincente Aja who resides in a different dimension... I wonder how he knew about us? I wonder if he's aware of Lilith's war?...

''Your father will be joining us tonight, I'm sure. He has to be there.'' Alva said to me in almost a mumble. His violet eyes were concentrated on the tie that hung around my neck. I had tried to tie it myself... but he noticed I was struggling. I never learned how to tie a tie myself.

''Why does he have to be there?'' I asked him. His fuller lips suddenly formed into a smile, his eyes gazing up into my own. I felt my own breath grow heavier as he looked at me... I can't believe he still has this effect on me. He's my soulmate, after all...

''Hm, is there a problem with your father being there? What are you planning in that cute head of yours?'' He said to me in almost a whisper, bringing a tanned hand up to my head. He lightly tapped on my forehead with a soft laugh, his violet eyes closing as he shook with laughter. I felt my face heat up at his question, his voice sinking into me like honey.

Sometimes I can't take how hot he is.

I'm not even exaggerating. Everyone knows he's hot, too! I couldn't figure it out for the longest time... how could someone be that gorgeous? Everything about him is absolutely beautiful! I asked myself, maybe it's because his mother was blessed by Aphrodite? Maybe his father was also handsome?

Well turns out, it's not only because his mother was blessed by Aphrodite! He was blessed by Aphrodite HIMSELF!

''Darling, you're heating up again.'' He suddenly said to me, placing a hand onto my forehead. I couldn't help but let out a whine of protest as he placed his other hand on my cheek, his violet eyes furrowing.

''Are you getting sick? Maybe we should stay home.'' He said to me. I began shaking my head at his words, trying to gain the courage to speak. This man needs to get his hands off me before I combust...

''N-No! You-You're just really-'' I finally mustered out. He raised an eyebrow at my words, wrapping his hand around my chin and forcing me to meet his eyes. I couldn't help but whimper at the sudden force coming from him.

''Use your words, Jin. It's just me.''

''Y-Yeah! It is you! You're hot!'' I whined out. His eyes widened at my response, his lips curling up in a smile.

''Deal with it. You're stuck with me.'' He said to me before placing his lips onto mine. I couldn't help but melt into the kiss, a sigh of relief coming from my throat. I felt my body grow limp as he began kissing me, wrapping a hand around my waist to pull me closer.

...He really made me into his bottom. Magdalene would never.


The house was full of warlocks. Laughter and classical music filled the room as men and women talked together with laughter. They wore different tuxes and dresses; the attire was supposed to be elegant. I couldn't help but clench onto Alva's arm tighter as we walked out of the portal together, the sight of hundreds of people worrying me.

I know that Alva is my soulmate, but I can't help but feel protective of him or get jealous. He's really attractive, and everyone knows that. Everyone knows that we are soulmates, but... that doesn't mean we have to stay together. I know Alva loves me, and I definitely love him back, but sometimes I feel like he could do better. All of these people are so attractive...

''Your father should be here somewhere, sunshine. Let's go find him.'' He said to me, looking down towards me with a smile. All I could do was nod my head as he guided me through the crowd, our arms intertwined.

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