Chapter 16: The Preachers Blasphemy

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October 14th, 2024

New York


The night was cold. Clouds crowded around the mansion which resided deep into the woods of New York, where Moses and the higher ranking demons lived. They were binded to this mansion for all of eternity to watch over the other ruthless demons that haven't left the human realm, and to keep order in the world.

The job wasn't too hard. Demons who gained a high kill streak would be sent to the mansion to die by the hands of one of these demons, depending on the degree of the killings. Circe would take care of the demons who would trick human women into affairs with them, creating the new breed of warlocks in this world. Not because Circe was weak, but because she can kill them with just her eyes for the same exact reason. Lust. Because of her beauty, she can burn those who look too long at her from the inside out.

The next degree would be killed by Israfel. He dealt with those who satisfied their hunger on humans, although that was banned centuries ago in the war. He dealt with these demons because of his insane amount of fangs that multiplies when he feasts. He deals with those who divulge in the sin gluttony.

The last degree would deal with Moses himself. Any demon would be smart and banish themselves to hell for Lucifer himself to deal with, rather than die at the hands of Moses. Although nobody has really seen what Moses looks like, or what he does to those who cross his way...

The stories of those who died by him still ring in the demons ears as a warning.

Moses is a mystery, even still to his fellow high ranking demons who rule beside him. He's a tall, looming figure in black that intimidates even the strongest demons crafted in Lucifer's image. He has his own sword crossed against his back that leaks of an immense amount of power. Rumors go around that Moses is just Lucifer in a demon disguise.

They aren't too far from the truth.

These demons maintain their duty, besides a select two who have strayed away from Moses.

Draven and Asura are a pair of demons who have been intertwined since the world's creation, farther back since Adam and Lilith's creation. Although demons are incapable of love, these two have found comfort in each other. Creating countless demons of their own, they made their own family in each other.

Draven always envied Moses's power. He hated being less than anyone in this world, especially Moses. As this strive for power got heavier, his relationship with Asura got weaker in time. As expected... no demon can feel love. Especially for another demon.

Draven broke off from Moses and began to create his own demonic group, dragging Asura along with him. Ever since then, demonic activity has been growing higher and higher in New York.

And Moses is to blame.



''There is a demon down in the dungeons. He admitted to being the one who killed one of the preacher's kids... and claimed that it was in Draven's name.'' Circle said to Israfel and I. I couldn't help but scoff at her words, watching as her red eyes darted nervously between the two of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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