Chapter 10 - Truth

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THEY SAY THE TRUTH will set you free, I think that's a lie. The truth hasn't set me free. The truth has lost me nearly everything I hold dear to me. The truth has caused Bryce and Justin to not talk anymore. Justin and I barely talk anymore. Everyone I didn't want to know about my families money troubles knows. Everyone on those tapes knows about my abortion. I haven't spoken to Monty in weeks. I'm blocked on all social media. Hell, I'm blocked in real life. I'm invisible to everyone but very visable at the same time.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I have to go to my deposition. Blue jeans, pink blazer and a white shirt. That's formal enough. Unfortunately my parents have to accompany me, as if this day isn't hard enough as it is.

"Jesus you can't even dress yourself right. It's a deposition not a college interview"

"Leave the girl alone, she looks fine. Come on honey"

Solemnly, I get into the car with my parents and we drive to where the deposition is being held. Oh how I wish it was just my dad sitting in the room. The addition of my mother isn't a needed or wanted one. The person I wish was here most of all is Monty.
We walk into a room with a big table in the middle of the room. I recognize Clay's mom Lainey from seeing her at a few company events. Next to her is Olivia and Andy Baker with their lawyer. I take my seat opposite the two layers and prepare myself for this deposition. My dad sits closest to me as he's also my attorney for this. I think back to our conversation when I first told him about being called for this deposition. He told me don't say anything that will implicate you. Hard to do that when they've got Hannah's tapes. I glance down at my phone to see if anyone has texted me about their depositions as mine was one of the last. No. No text. Nothing. Putting my phone away, the people opposite me start.

"Hello Miss Miller. My name is Dennis Vasquez and I'm representing Olivia and Andy Baker. This is a deposition. I'll be asking you questions and you must answer honest and truthfully unless your attorney instructs you otherwise. There may not be a judge present but do you promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the true?"

"I understand and I do" I say nodding my head.

"Can you please state your full name, age and the school you attend for the tape please"

"My name is Dixie Lavender Miller, I'm 17 and I attend Liberty High School"

"How well did you know Hannah?"

"Pretty well. We lived across the street from each other. We've been to parties together. Had a few coffees"

"So you were friends?"

"Yeah I suppose we were"

"Tell me, how do you find liberty high?"

"I like liberty. I'm on the cheer squad so I'm all for school spirit"

"And you're friends with a lot of liberty's athletes?"

"Yeah, some of them are my best friends"


"Bryce Walker, Justin Foley and Zach Dempsey"

"Right. You've dated a few athletes right?"

"Objection. How is this relevant?" My dad interjects.

"I'm willing to answer the question if that's okay?" I say confused as to why he stopped me answering.

"Go ahead" Dennis urges.

"Yes, 2. Jeff Atkins and Montgomery De La Cruz"

"How would you describe the relationship between the sports players and the rest of the school population?"

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