Chapter 3 - Jealousy

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After my date with Justin I couldn't wait to tell you the news. I thought you'd be happy for me but boy was I wrong. It was in that moment I saw the real you shine through your sickly sweet facade. Only for a second, but that second was scary enough. You said you had to go but you'd talk to me after school. Walking through the doors I saw you with your little group of jocks and knew something wasn't right.

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I AWAKE TO a stirring from my left hand side. It took me a while to realize that the shuffling was from Monty reaching for my alarm that was annoyingly ringing out, signalling it was time to get up and ready for another amazing day at liberty high. A blush rises onto my cheeks as Monty snuggles into my side, his body heat warming my always cold body.

"Why don't we just skip today, spend all morning in bed instead" he suggests alluringly.

"I'd love to but I can't miss anymore cheer practice. Sheri would kill me" I reply giggling as he sighs into my neck.

"C'mon Casanova, get ready for another day in hell" I retort as I shake him off me.

As much as I would have loved to spend all day in bed with the handsome boy, I knew i had to start making more of an effort with my cheerleading. Game season was coming up and I knew i had to be on my best behaviour for the foreseeable future. Feeling no need to get dressed up, I throw my cheer uniform on and pack some leggings and a cropped sweat into my bag for after. Thankfully Monty had some of his clothes neatly folded in one of my draws. No unnecessary journey back to his house before school. Making our way downstairs, I hear the raised voices of my parents yet again. What they're arguing about this time is anyone's guess. At the sight of Monty and I arriving for breakfast, my mother's face drops.

"Why is he here?" My mom spits out, bitterness laced in her words.

"Good morning to you too mom" I reply.

"Moon, just stop" my father says exasperated

"No Roman, Dixie you know my views on this boy. My only rule is do not bring him into my house"

"I'll just go. I didn't wanna cause any trouble" Monty announces shyly.

"No Montgomery stay. This is my house. I pay all the bills. I pay the mortgage. You are welcome in this house any time. Now sit and eat before you leave for school" My father shouts.

"Oh ok. I see how it is. Because I don't pay anything towards the house, you think that this house runs on your rules? News flash Roman! If you didn't drink so much you would see that nobody listens to a word you say because no one has any respect for you anymore. A hot shot lawyer? You can't even afford to pay your staff. Mrs Jensen hasn't been paid for nearly 2 months now!--"

"Mom please just stop it" I beg on the verge of tears. I feel Monty squeeze my hand reassuringly.

"--stop it? Stop what sweetheart? Telling your father the truth? Or are you embarrased that your thug of a boyfriend is finally finding out that you and your family are far from perfect?"

"He's not a fucking thug" I yell

"See, cussing at your mother. He's taught you that. You never did that when Jeffery was alive! You never put a foot wrong when Jeffery was here. You actually made an effort in your appearance, now you look like nobody wants you" my mother comments while taking in my appearance.

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