Chapter 6 - Dempsey

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Zach, I hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry about that but when you turned around and tried to hurt me back twice as hard, I lost all respect for you. He came running straight to you didn't he Dixie? His little pixie. Unrequited love sucks huh Zach?

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ITS BEEN A WEEK since the party. A week since the break in the group fractured even further. The newest drama was Monty and Alex getting into a horrible fight in the middle of the school parking lot. The cause of the rumble? Monty and his awful driving. He nearly ran over Alex and a few other students. Thankfully Bryce had given me a lift to school so I wasn't in the blue jeep. Seeing Monty continuously punching Alex made me sick to my stomach. He was like a man posessed. The fight resulted in Monty being suspended for 3 days.

That's how I ended up getting into Zach's car on a Sunday morning. I need a distraction and I know the tall boy can provide that.

"Your carriage awaits my princess"

"You're such a freak Dempsey" I laugh.

"I know. Where to?"

"Anywhere Zach. Somewhere that will make me forget about stuff for a while" I sigh, wishing I could get the image of a bloodied Alex out of my head.

"I know just the place"

Zach drives for about an hour, arriving at the nearest beach to Evergreen. We get out of the car and I start heading towards the white sand.

"No no no. This way pixie" Zach says while grabbing my hand.

We walk to a cute little blue and white building, the signage reading 'Giancarlo's Gelato Shop'. The interior is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. A mural of Venice is painted on the wall behind the ice cream/gelato fridges, the other walls decorated with light blues and pinks. Zach and I make our selections; I decide to have the cookies and cream and Zach goes boring with strawberry and vanilla. We choose to sit outside as the weather is amazing and what is better than eating gelato by the ocean?

"I never even knew this place existed"

"Yeah, my dad used to bring Mei and I here on a weekend while mom was at work" Zach explained with a shrug.

"Its cute, I like it"

"This is nice ya know. Just us hanging out like the good ol' days, before you got with Monty"

"Yeah. I kinda miss our after school hangs" I say.

"I guess we're both just too busy now"

"I guess" I agree somewhat reluctantly.

After we had both finished our gelato I decided it was finally time to get my feet onto that perfect sand. Practically dragging Zach behind me, I race towards the waters edge and watch the pinks and reds of the sunset dance with every crashing wave. Zach and I take a seat on the sand just out of the way of the waves breaking onto the shore.

"I didn't realize how much I've missed the ocean until right this second. It makes me so calm. You know Dempsey, when I was a kid my dad would ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up. My answer was always a mermaid. Every year he'd ask me the question and every year my answer would always stay the same. That was until one year my mom decided to inform me that mermaids aren't real, they're just stories from drunken sailors that mistook manatees"

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