vi. ancestry 101

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➩ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕞𝕣. 𝕥𝕒𝕞𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕓 𝕕𝕪𝕝𝕒𝕟

DRIVING QUICKLY IN REVERSE in an attempt to avoid the men now hurdling towards them, Marty quickly turned over to Amanda doing her best to try and drive them away from the scene. "Find the cave!"

"I'm busy! Hang on!" She called back over to him in a high-pitched tone over her own fear of the unexpected chain of events. Noticing the men coming in the same direction behind us from the side mirrors, Marty clutched onto his seat tightly over the amount of jumps the Delorean seemed to be taking on the uneven road.

They then screamed over the leap that seemed to be coming up, but the Delorean instead drove down smoothly instead of landing into another mess. Looking again to the mirror to notice the cave just behind, Marty pointed towards it frantically. "The cave!" He yelled to have Amanda back up into it immediately. Watching the Indians rushing off and away from where the Delorean was parked, the teenagers stepped out to the empty stretch of land before them.

The sound of something rumbling in the distant disrupted the just received silence as Marty and her looked to each other before climbing up where he had driven past in order to see what it was. More men on horses were now going the same way as the Indians, the bugle horns indicating who they were along with their uniforms. "Shit, the cavalry!"

Shaking her head over this, Marty looked over to the blonde beside him exasperated about their arrival he was told wouldn't happen. "You said they wouldn't be there!"

"For once I'm wrong, sue me," Amanda explained to him and turned her attention to the arrow sticking out of the Delorean, "Uh-oh."

Marty reached over to pull it out from the side of the time machine before tossing it aside. Taking the time to reach into the car to grab their things before the walk they were meant to take, Amanda was greeted again by him eyeing  her in worry. Before she could even ask why, he interrupted her. "I ripped the fuel line."

She widened her eyes over this to. "What—" Before she could get the chance to see where the arrow had struck the Delorean, aside from the obvious gasoline smell that was beginning to grow in the cave, something growling in the area with them grew louder. From the depths of the back of the cave, a black bear suddenly came stepping towards them to have Marty and her away out of fright.

The bear suddenly stood up to have them scream at the sight, the bear roaring along with them. Marty took her hand to run out of the cave, turning back to see the bear chasing after them. Not knowing what to do, Amanda simply tossed his boots that were in her hand as a distraction. Turning to see it now sniffing the boots instead of running after them seemed to do just fine as a short-term solution they needed.

Continuing to run off without a sense of where they were going, Marty sent the them tripping over the slippery side of the dirt they'd come across. Rolling down the sides despite Amanda's own attempts to gain her balance, he took the harder hit onto the fencing down below as she roughly landed into his chest to soften to blow. She tried to get her bearings again before checking on him and shook him to try and get him to get up along with her. "Shit," She muttered before noticing a man stepping down beside her and Marty.

He lightly slapped his face as Amanda held onto him over the strange interaction from taking offense over it for Marty's sake. "Maggie! Fetch some water! We got a hurt man here!" Straining her eyes from the sun, she was able to catch on the almost identical features the man had with Marty and automatically assumed who this must be. He looked down to her concerned and extended a hand out to help Amanda up. "Are you alright, lass? You both took a bit of a fall."

CLINT EASTWOOD AND SHIRLEY MACLAINE ³, back to the futureWhere stories live. Discover now