xxi. beautiful disaster

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➩ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕪 𝕧𝕒𝕟 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕟

SUDDENLY THE DELOREAN was now rolling along the bridge that was made in 1985, just as Doc had planned for it to be. Continuing to move along the tracks despite nothing pushing the time vehicle anymore, the Delorean went at a steady pace past the railroad dividers going down. Noticing the cars stopped watching them pass, the couplle smiled awkwardly to them before glancing over to each other.

The car horns honked loudly as we passed through whilst the train bells rang off while the dividers went down. Eventually the Delorean finally came to a stop to leave them stunned over the trip. Breaking away from this shortly after by a train whistle loudly sounding, Amanda looked over to it wide-eyed. Practically pushing Marty out to open the door on his side in order for the tw to lunge out of the Delorean on time.

Turning back to see the train continue to pass through the tracks, the Delorean was inevitably crushed while it made its way through. Her heart continued to race over the adrenaline of the possibility of having been crushed in the Delorean, the sight of the time machine now shattered was devastating to say the least. Marty and her stepped over to the wreckage silently after the train was some ways away from the crash site.

Seeing the mess left from this, she looked down to see the dashboards now flickering out with a lack of a power source alongside the flux capacitor. "Well, Doc got what he wanted," Marty said before turning to face her solemnly, "It's destroyed." She frowned over the statement as he and Silently Amanda reached out to take his hand to have him fit into it and squeeze it out of reassurance.

He then nudged her in an attempt to lighten up both their moods from growing sorrowful over the lack of the entire group being able to have gone back. "We can't quit mopping around here, we should head back home—" Marty turned wide-eyed over the phrase to have her do the same, "Home."

Amanda nodded immediately in agreement. "Your dad."

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RUNNING PAST the signs marking Lyon Estates, the two of us rushed up to Marty's house. Seeing the four by four still in the garage showed some sign of normality having returned again. He grabbed the waxing coat and rag on the hood of the car to have Biff come up from the other side. "Hey, butthead, get away—"

"Watch it, Biff!" Marty returned to raise the canister to him in the air as a form of a threat.

Getting high-pitched and regretful over realizing who it was, Amanda laughed under her breath over the switch. "Marty! I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't recognize you in those clothes," Biff explained himself to take the canister and rag from him.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, just puttin' on the second coat now." Biff rushed away embarrassed towards the materials he'd set aside in front of the house before turning over to Marty again. "So you're goin' cowboy, huh?"

Seeing the rest of his family now making their way out of the house, Dave quickly left off ahead of the family in a suit. Usually seeing his brother in his Burger King attire from when Marty and her would hang over there after being at Doc's caused for Amanda to look on surprised at the switch-up even the rest of his family had taken. "We're gonna be late for brunch!" Dave called out, walking past the couple unaware.

CLINT EASTWOOD AND SHIRLEY MACLAINE ³, back to the futureWhere stories live. Discover now