Show You How - Part 5

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“That is not what I told you to do,” Natalie laughed as she held out her hands.

“I followed your instructions perfectly,” I said as I handed her my crochet hooks and failed attempt at a square. I was doing much better this time than any other time that she tried to teach me, but I took a wrong turn somewhere and the center of my crochet pattern got too tight to continue.

Natalie couldn’t suppress a grin as she quickly undid the pattern. “Check every loop to make sure you have even tension. But hey – you’re getting a lot better.”

Miraculously, the ER was practically empty. Fries, milkshakes, and half-eaten burgers were in front of each nurse. It was my turn to make the McDonald’s run, and after I came back and spread the joy of sodium and simple carbohydrates, Natalie and I took over a corner table as she tried to teach me how to crochet. Again.

I took a bite out of my burger. “I seriously don’t understand how people discovered this in the first place.”

“What, burgers or crocheting?”

“Crocheting. Burgers make much more sense.”

“Says you! Who looked at a perfectly good slice of meat and said, ‘You know what we should do? We should grind this big meat into little meat and then make it into big meat again!’”

I laughed and almost chocked on my milkshake when my phone chirped with a text from Carmen: GOT THE JOB!!!!

I wiped my mouth and cheered. “Oh my god, she got the Virgin job!”

“The flight attendant?” asked Natalie, dipping a fry in ketchup. “That’s amazing! Congratulations to her!”

I texted Carmen my congratulations, and quickly added: If you want to celebrate, stop by the ER. We’re totally empty.

I would love to, but I’m in Dallas. I’m flying in tomorrow, so let’s get drinks then! I’ll text Brandon and Vince.

“Cheers to the good life,” Natalie said, holding up her milkshake. We toasted and sipped, and she handed me the crochet needles. “Okay. Let’s try again.”


The next night, I pulled up to Money Plays, Carmen’s favorite dive bar. I had to admit that it was a fantastic place – huge beer selection, video poker machines, shuffleboard, and a jukebox. The moment you’re hungry, El Taco Feliz, conveniently located next door, delivers cheap and amazing Mexican food. As far as dive bars went, this one deserved a medal.

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and leaned back in the seat, taking a moment for myself before I walked in. Carmen could invite anyone she wanted – it was her night, after all – but the guest list was an odd one. This would be the first time I was going to meet Vince, her Christmas gondolier. I wasn’t expecting anything to go poorly on that part – even if she wasn’t dating him seriously, Carmen wouldn’t stick with a jerk or a douche for very long.

Vince, though, wasn’t the only person I’d be meeting tonight. Brandon and Jenna had plans, but he promised that they’d stop by for a drink and congratulate Carmen. At some point during the night, I was going to meet the charming chiropractor herself.

I gritted my teeth and got out of the car.

I spotted Carmen as soon as I stepped into the bar. She saw me before I approached her and a guy – Vince, I presumed – at the bar and threw her arms out for a hug. “Averie!”

“Hello and congratulations,” I said while hugging her.

“Thank you,” she said, almost breathlessly. Her eyes were wide, but the bags under her eyes made her look exhausted. She was still riding the high of getting the job, but the rest of her was starting to come undone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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