Chapter one

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{Ciels Pov}

I woke up to that bastard butler opening the damn curtains, has he not heard of sleeping in!? Anyway, his usual soothing voice echoed through my bedroom "it's time to wake up, young master, for today you have earl gray tea and a scone for breakfast"

I sighed and sat up until a wave of nausea hit me, raising a hand to my head I closed my eyes, cursing quietly, Sebastian seemed to of notice this as he was instantly by my side.

"Young Lord, are you quite alright?" He asked, his voice sounding the least bit concerned but what did you expect? He's a demon "I'm fine..just dress me so i can get to work..what is my schedule for today..?"

"Well young master, today you have a dance lesson and violin practice, you have the rest of the afternion off as the others had to cancel because of a common cold" I tsked and turned away as Sebastian started to dress me like he has done so many times before.

"You also have a letter from queen Victoria" my butler cleared his throat after and I almost jumped up "why didn't you tell me this sooner!? Bloody butler!" He chuckled at my outburst and looked at me with a smirk

"Oh my Lord, I thought you were childish but a tantrum? Very unlike you" I felt my face go red with anger "a tantrum!? I'm not having a bloody tantrum! I'm merely scolding my butler for keeping information from me.." I huffed out and crossed my arms, Sebastian bringing over a tray with a letter with its oh so familiar was seal. I broke the seal and started to read;

Dear Ciel Phantomhive,
My dearest guard dog, how have you been over this warm weather, I have been quite enjoying it myself but enough about that.

I hate to say this but I fear your safety, Ciel. A woman in all white has been capturing young nobles like yourself and breaking them, mentally.

I know you can look after yourself but still, promise me you will stay with your butler at all times while you work through this mission, I trust you to be safe.

My dearest regards,
Queen Victoria

"Looks like we have work to do..clean my schedule so i can look into the cases of this woman.."

"Yes, my lord"

Just the two of us {Sebastian x Ciel}Where stories live. Discover now