The Mysterious Morning

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    I felt bad for Celia, getting attacked on her first night and all. . . I can already tell that is going to be a normal thing with this new girl Ashley.

    We all got into our pajamas to get comfier for the movie. B-Mo chose The Aristocats, which seemed alright. We all gathered into the living room and settled down. I sat next to Cedrick, which I was happy about since he wasn’t a stranger to me. We’d both been here awhile now. Everyone else had  arrived later than we had, and it had already proven to be a bit overwhelming. But even Cedrick didn’t know my whole story.

    The movie started and the lights were off, but I could notice Ashley with her eyes closed in her small section of the couch. She seemed to be twitching, looking more restless as opposed to sleeping. Looking at her bothered me, so I never glanced back.

    By the middle of the movie most of the younger kids like B-Mo (although he chose the movie) and Cedrick were asleep. I could feel my eyes drooping, and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

    I woke up in a familiar spot, in the corner, with Finn’s blankets next to mine. His blankets were in a messy heap, as if he had gotten up once or twice in the middle of the night. Celia lay awake on the other side of the room along with B-Mo. I noticed Ashley’s sheets were also in a messy bundle too, but she was nowhere to be seen.

    I got out of bed and passed Celia on my way to the hall. I noticed as I walked, by she shut her eyes quickly as if to say, “Don’t look at me,” which made me puzzled.

    I could smell a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen just around the corner. My ears perked up as I strained to hear the quiet voices of Evan and Finn coming from the room.

        I walked in, only to be greeted with utter silence, as if they wanted me to have nothing to do with theirconversation.

        “Why hello the- um good morning Lexi!” Evan said, clearly confused on the words he chose, but I ignored that to avoid turning his blushing cheeks any more red.

        “So. . .What’s for breakfast?” I asked to change the topic.

        It worked and Evan replied, “Eggs and bacon!” in that peppy voice of his.

        I sat down at the table along with Finn so I could start eating my food, that looked like heaven on earth! The bacon was sizzling and letting off the scrumptious scent of maple, while the eggs were shining like little suns with their yellow yolks.

        As I happily munched away, Ashley emerged into the kitchen from where ever she had been, but she sure wasn’t in the living room earlier. She walked to an empty chair with her eyes glazed over. In her zombie-like trance, she pulled out the chair, and it squeaked on the hardwood floors. All eyes flew to her. Before she had a chance to sit, her eyes retreated up into her sockets, and she dropped lifelessly onto the floor.

        Evan hollered out in surprise, dropping the plate of bacon, and rushed over.

        “Quick,” he said, “someone help me move her to the couch!”

        Celia and Finn offered their help and the rest of us watched in shock as Ashley began to twitch in Evan’s arms.

Hope you guys liked the new update! Please vote and comment to let us know what you thought! Thanks to @tttortor10 for lots of help on this update! We will be updating more often, thanks for reading this chapter! Stay tuned to learn what happened to Ashley. . .

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