New Beginnings

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        I looked around the room as a girl with pale blue eyes took a seat. Her cheeks were bright red with embarassment, but I didn't blame her. Everyone was staring at her with judging looks. Finally, Evan came in the room just in time. No one wanted to start up an awkward conversation like, "How did your parents' die?"

        "Okay!" Evan exclaimed cheerfully as he took a seat on the couch. "Why don't we all introduce ourselves?" I rolled my eyes. Talk about tacky. "Why don't you start?" He pointed a boy with scruffy blonde hair and green eyes.

        "I'm Ben," he whispered quietly, as if he was talking to himself. "But you can call me B-Mo, I guess," he said while shrugging. 

        "And how old are you?" Evan asked.

        Ben gave a confused look, as if he really wasn't sure. "I'm seven," he stuttered.

        "Excellent! Thank you B-Mo!" Evan applauded lightly, and Ben blushed. "Who's next?"

        "I guess me," I raised my hand as all eyes darted to me. I felt like an animal in a zoo, and all the kids were gathered around me in awe. "I'm Celia and I'm fourteen." That was all Evan had inquired from "B-Mo", and that wanted to say. 

        A boy with strawberry blonde hair raised his hand confidently. Evan nodded, letting him go on.

        "Hey, I'm Finn," he said coolly, "and I'm thirteen." He also forgot to mention that he was super cute, his brown eyes sparkling. 

        Next was the girl who walked in last. "Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm thirteen, and I probably won't be here long, judging by my last home. But, I guess I'll enjoy it while I can." She added a smirk for effect. I didn't like this girl already. 

        "Okay. . ." Evan said slowly, then played it off. "Thank you, Ashley! Let's have you last two go."

        The only two left had been dead silent the whole time, and the girl was fingering through her long brown hair with her eyes at the ceiling. She definitely had something on her mind that wasn't learning everyone's names. 

        "Lexi?" Evan called her name, breaking the silence that had fallen. 

        She looked dazed, as if Evan had interrupted her train of thought.

        "Um, yeah. Well, I'm obviously Lexi," she mumbled, still twirling her hair. "and I'm eleven." Now her eyes were averted to the ground, bloodshot. The silence resumed.

        "Well, I'm Cedric!" The last boy was full of energy and pep, the polar opposite of Lexi. "and I'm nine!" 

        "Great! Love the enthusiasm, Cedric!" Evan exclaimed for the hundreth time that day. "How about we plan a fun family activity for the night? Won't that be fun?!"

        I couldn't but snicker. How much soda had this guy drank today?

        "How about a family movie night? We could have popcorn." The small whisper belonged to B-Mo. 

        "That is a great idea, Ben," Evan praised softly. At that, B-Mo face lit up.

        "As long as it's a horror movie," Ashley retorted.

        B-Mo's eyes grew wide. "That sounds scary! Why don't we watch a cartoon?"

        "That's the point of a horror movie, to be scary." Ashley rolled her eyes. 

        "I think some of us have witnessed enough horror in our lives," I announced. "Let's just watch what Ben wants, okay?"

        Ashley's eyes grew narrow. "How would you know the slightest idea about horror, huh?"

        "You forgot I happen to be older than you."

        "This isn't a contest, missy." Ashley spit the words out.

        "I'm just saying no one needs to see anything scary on their first night of a new home, okay?"

        "Whoah, whoah!" Evan stood up. "Let's just watch a Disney movie, ok?"

        "Fine," Ashley mumbled. "Whatever." And with that, she gave me daggers as we all went to put our bags in our new rooms.

Dedication to @tttortor10 for additional help in this chapter!



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