You don't deserve this pain

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Ethan is in love with Mark, but he's with Amy. Then they break up and Mark stays with Ethan and finds out his secret.

⚠️self harm⚠️


Ethan put the lighter up to his skin holding it there creating burns. Along his arm were other scars from burns and scratches. He usually hid them with a long sleeve. Somehow no one has figured it out. Ethan is thankful for that, he knows he needs help but he just doesn't want to stop.

Today was just a terrible day for Ethan. He was over at Mark's and they were watching a movie until Amy joined. Then during the movie they started marking out. Ethan's heart clenched in his chest at the sight. He felt sick. He was in love with Mark, but he was straight and with Amy.

Ethan pulled up his other sleeve and started to scratch at his skin. He went faster pulling the skin up coloring it red. He kept going deeper drawing blood. He hissed at the pain.

After that Ethan thought that was enough for one night. He put patches over his new open wounds and headed to bed. He had a hard time sleeping that night from the burning.


Ethan woke up to knocking at his front door. He got out of bed and threw on a hoodie covering his body.

When he opened the door he saw a very sad looking Mark standing there. His face was red and his eyes were puffy. It looked like he had a hard time breathing.

Ethan quickly gestured him inside.

"What's wring Mark?" He asked.

"A...Amy br...broke up ww..with mmeee." Mark sobbed out.

"I'm so sorry. What happened?"  Ethan asked.

"Well after you left last night Amy wanted to talk to me. She told me she just fell out of love with me. I thought we were really going to be together forever." Mark said.

Ethan pulled Mark into a hug and Mark hugged him back putting his face in Ethan's shoulder.

"You can stay here as long as you want." Ethan offered.

"Thanks, I really don't want to home right now and be reminded of everything. I just need something to take my mind off things." Mark said.

"We could watch a movie?" Ethan suggested.

"Yeah we can try that." Mark agreed.

During the movie Ethan started to get hot in his sweatshirt. He started to move around and pulling at the hem letting cold air swoop down through. Mark took notice to this.

"You could just take it off if you're hot." Mark said.

"What no I'm fine." Ethan implied.

"If you say so." Mark said not believing Ethan.

Mark was in one of his most vulnerable states right now. He still knows Ethan's hiding something he just doesn't know what. Maybe he is just self conscious or something, Mark thought.

Mark doesn't know how to reassure Ethan that he's perfect without sounding gay. He also didn't want to push past any lines with Ethan.

Soon the movie was over and Ethan showed Mark to a spare bedroom he could stay in. Ethan told Mark he could look around while Ethan took a shower.

Ethan went to his room where he also had a bathroom and picked out and outfit.

Mark looked around his room admiring some of the art on the wall. He looked at the bed. It was so big and it felt so empty without anyone to lay by. Mark was about to start crying again before he stopped himself.

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