4. Friends

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Third Person P.O.V.
Headmistress Mcgonagall began her speech. I would like to welcome back the eight years. Thank you for coming back and for finishing your education. Your greatly appreciated for being here. Now on with the sorting!

The sorting hat sings some song about house unity. Will the hat finally get what it wants?

after the hats song there's about 30 first years to sort. Unfortunately a lot of parents didn't think it was safe at Hogwarts and sent their kids to another school. That's the cause of the shortage of first years.

The sorting hat is placed on a strawberry blonde boys head when the hat booms HUFFLEPUFF

There were 7 slytherins, 5 ravenclaws, 8 hufflepuffs, and 10 gryfindors. The eight years didn't care much for the sorting since they're in the same common room.

The Sorting ended fast since there weren't many students to sort and the feast began. Ron immediately began feasting. Everyone was just eating and chatting. Finally it was time for dessert.
There was only one treacle tart. What was Mcgonagall playing at?! Was she trying to start another war?! [An: very dramatic lol]

Draco was about to grab the tart when Harry snatched it. Draco just looked at him in shock. No one has ever done that to Draco let alone a Malfoy. Draco simply just brushed it off and starter conversation. The Boy knew it was Harry's favorite. He knew quite a lot of things about the golden boy from his heavy obsession with him in the past years.

Draco was very confused. Everyone was talking like they were all friends. Not that he was complaining but we're they friends? He decided to whisper something in Pansy's ear. Are we friends with everyone or?? It seemed like such a simple question but were they? Draco tormented them for years. He was a death eater the opposite side of the war, the wrong side, the bad side, the dark side. Pansy took the opportunity to embarrass Draco.

Pansy's P.O.V.
It was the perfect moment to embarrass Draco how could i not take it? I announce, Hey guys Draco here doesn't know if we're friends or not, are we? Everyone simply replies with a yeah, yup, and one you guys are actually chill. I look at Draco and laugh his cheeks have a brush of pink.

Draco's P.O.V.
Great, already embarrassed myself on the first day. Instead of getting pissed and be all mopey i decided to vibe with it.

Might as well tell them your nicknames for me Pans. Pansy LIGHTS UP. shit what did i get myself into.

Third Person P.O.V.
Looks like everyone's intrigued. Draco got himself into quite the situation hasn't he.

Pansy's P.O.V.
Actually that sounds like a magnificent idea, thank you. Actually let's tell everyone's nicknames. This is going to be hilarious, I think to myself. Now let's get started shall we. [An: I just know she has an evil glare in her eyes rn]

Let's start with Draco. Hmm where should we start? ahh yes. There's Drakey-poo, Dray, Dragon. WAIT my favorite nickname. Let me take this out I take out a polaroid picture. Do you guys all see this picture of Draco in a bunch of pride shit? Good. Here's the greatest Draco nickname, drumroll please, GAYCO. Immediately laughter erupts from the eight years table, even Draco's laughing.

I stop the laughter immediately. I'm done with draco but you guys aren't safe i say pointing at everyone else. I immediately start rapidly saying everyone's nicknames.

After i say everyone's nicknames we all laugh. Mr golden boy says that Dray was definitely his favorite nickname. After a couple of chit chats later Headmistress Mcgonagall wanted to show us to the eight years common room.

Mcgonagall's P.O.V.
Come students it's time i show you to your common room. On the Seventh corridor to the left the portrait of Severus is the entrance to your room. The password is Alohamora. [An: i chose this for the password bc it's the unlocking spell and it's just cool if they say it and the portrait swings open lol]
Please follow me.

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An: Hi guys hope your liking this book so far!

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