Chapter 16

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Prem: what's wrong with your ears?

Mean: this confessing is going to take forever.

Singto: they're hypersensitive

Fluke: ooooooooo

Earth: more like 👉👌👉👌👉👌👉👌

Bright: 😂😂😂

Zee: 🤣🤣

Mean: lol

Plan: why are you filthy?

Kao: @Plan Hey!

Boun: @Krist why?

Krist: I was born like that.

Gulf: how did you refuse to get your ears touched when you were young?

Win: 🤣🤣

Krist: I probably cried.

Mew: do you still cry?

New: MewGulfs mind is in Tharntype .

Gulf: it was an innocent question.

Prem: do you like feel things when you get touched.

Singto: yes.

Earth:  Ha! 👉👌👉👌I said it.

Max: I'm not exiting this group.

Krist: yes I do feel things that's why I don't like them being touched.

Saint: we already got the response.

Zee: Nong.

Singto: @Zee the moaning from YRU, was it acting or you really got turned on?

Zee: Nong this is your fault.

Saint: I'm also curious😌

Zee: you know.

Gulf: oh they know

Earth: at that Gulf can you answer your 'sl Aaah'

Boun: 😂😂😂😂


Plan: I don't get it.

Tay: 😂😂😂😂

Tul: 😆😆 is that how Gulf moans?

Bright: Hahaha

Krist: it's easy to moan when you're making out.

Plan: you can't relate.

Earth: he can't moan from a kiss on the cheek duh

Singto: he's talking from personal experience

Max: wow

Tul: wow is right.

Singto: @Zee 👂🏻

Earth: 😂😂😂you saw him humping the air, of course, it was real moaning.

Fluke: those kisses though 😋😋

Zee: I humped the air?

Fluke: oh yes you did.

Gulf : 😂😂

Mew: I don't blame him. things get hard when shooting such scenes.

Max: so true.

Tay: pun intended!

New: he meant literally.

Tul: @Max we never humped the air.

Max: you were laying on top of me of course you humped me.

Fluke: if this goes on I'm going to be sailing two ship.

Mean: this confidence though.

Plan: even GayLord is speechless

Earth: who is gaylord?

Fluke: right!

Krist: @Zee we are waiting.

Zee: yes it was me moaning because I got turned on.

Saint: ☺️

Mew: personally, I think the key to having a perfect kiss scene is just to enjoy it.

Krist: you think it's that easy?

Gulf: it's actually that easy. P'Mew was my first male kiss.

Plan: yours is a different case.

Win: how so?

Prem: they kissed on their first workshop together.

Ohm: they did?

Krist: that's how it started?

Boun: how do you kiss on the first day.

Fluke: it's my duty as a wanjaai to tell you what went down.

Earth: if they kissed on the first workshop then they're definitely boning by now

Kao: 🙌

Plan: Are you giving up on Earth?

Earth: Mean gave up on you years ago he's afraid of telling you.

Mean: that doesn't sound wrong.

Plan: 😥

Fluke: so when MewGulf met the first day they were eying each each. It's like they were attracted to each each. So when they went for their first workshop, Gulf kissed Mew for real instead of doing a fake kiss. That's how it all started.

Ohm: each other

Earth: Each other ❌ Each Each ✅

Plan: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Earth: it's safe to conclude that Gulf had a crush on Mew.

Fluke: I approve of that conclusion.

Boun: ok I think we got every confession there is.

Plan: this is not me pushing for a confession and if you are not comfortable with telling us, feel free not to but @Boun is it true you have a heart disease?

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