~Chapter 4: The touch-tone telephone ~

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Your eyes turned to the kitchen. That was where the ringing phone was, waiting for an answer. After two rings, Manny rushed towards the room, tears almost forming in his round blue eyes. You slowly got up and walked behind your little friend. As you entered the room, you saw him jumping as he couldn't reach the phone.

-" HELP ME (y/n) !"

You sped up your pace as you felt your heart being squeezed by the distress coming from the poor boy's voice.

- "Hello? you asked hesitantly as you bring the phone to your ear.

- Hello... who is this? answered an oddly familiar voice.

- ROBIN! ROBIN IT'S ME, IT'S MANNY! your friend screamed, trying to grab the phone from your hand.

-Robin ?" you repeated.

The room went silent. Manny was still trying to reach the phone you were looking at with a thoughtful expression. 'Robin... is it that one guy I talked to when I was on my way to come here ?' you wondered to yourself.

-Can whoever you are pass me Manny Scribbleson, please?

-O-Of course! you stutter, feeling dumb for not giving him the phone in the first place.

As you give him the phone, small tears formed in his sweet blue eyes.

-"When are you guys coming home ?!" the bluenette asks, almost yelling.

Both stop talking. You understand. 'Robin doesn't know when he'll be back'. But why did he left in the first place? Maybe it's better to not speak right now.

-"Look Manny, I am REALLY sorry. Robin lets out in a sigh

- You said last time you were gonna come back soon!

- I know, I'm sorry.

- You said everyone was gonna come back soon!

-  I'm sorry.

-  Where are you ?"

Silence. 'God, what the heck is going on in this house ?! '

- Look, I have an idea where Harry may be.

- You said it last time too!

- This time it is true! I swear I-"

Then again, silence. Manny slowly moved away the phone from his ear to look at it, not believing what Robin had just done.

-" He hung up..."

After a few seconds who felt like an eternity, Manny looked at you, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. His grasp on the device getting looser and looser, making it hit the wall at some point.

-"He hung up." he repeated with a shaking voice. He fell on his knees, his mouth silently still going on saying those words again and again.

Your vision started to get blurry as your heart started to ache. The kid in front of you was clearly in intense pain. But how? How did they get to this point, him and his missing friends? At what point does a small child falls to his knees and cries a river? You squatted to be at his height and wrapped your arms around him, one patting his back gently and the other one softly stroking his hair, as his sobs were getting louder and louder.

-"It's ok, buddy. It will all get better, I promise. Let's take a bath, this will calm you down, alright ?"

You calmly backed up to look at him, a sad smile on your face. He nodded his head as he rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his yellow shirt to dry the tears flowing down his cheeks. You took his hand as you both walked toward the bathroom. 

'I don't think today can get any weirder' you thought as you sighed.


A/N: Heyyo folks! I'm really sorry for the short chapter, but I lacked inspiration. The next chapter's going to be longer, as you'll be meeting new characters! I wonder what will happen...

Also, I kinda think I improved my English so let's pray to Malcolm that I won't do stupid mistakes again (I still have traumatic flashbacks of when I wrote 'your back HURTED')

Thank you so much for reading and happy new year 2021! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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