Chapter 11

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I'm gently shaken awake only to be blinded by the bright sun.

"Get up loser we're here," Jade's sharp voice cuts through the air and I let out a groan in protest. After I start to wake more and stretch I begin to look at our surroundings and see we're on the grounds of the getaway.

Jade eventually has to force me out of the car and lock it to keep me from crawling back inside and dying. We head over to the trunk to pull out our bags and we start making our way to the main office so we can get a room and schedule for the activities.

"How does team building even work for us when there's only two of us?" I ask tiredly as I take a seat on the bed of the room we booked.

"It's partners week so basically all the activities will be done but instead of going up against another team we're going up against other pairs. They use this week to help couples, siblings, and co workers. Think of it as if we're in amazing race," she jokes.

"I can't believe you woke me up at 3am for this," I groan and curl up on the bed.

"You're the one that fucked up and you're the one that wanted the second chance and now I'm giving you the chance to start to fix our bond so stop whining, shut up, and deal with it," she lectures me.

I stay quiet after that because I know she's right. I really didn't have the right to be complaining right now. We sit in silence for the next 10 minutes.

"See this is why we need to do this, we don't know how to be normal around each other anymore," she says.

"You're literally the one who told me to shut up, am I supposed to magically know when you want me to talk and when you don't want me to talk?" I counter and she sighs.

"The first activity starts in a half hour," she says then gets up and leaves. Maybe we did need this. Things are clearly still a bit...tense.

Eventually, I get up and make my way to the center of the grounds where we were all meant to meet before the start of each activity.

"You here with a family member?" I hear a man's voice ask me as I walk. I turn to see some tall middle aged man in a suit walking along next to me, his hair showing signs of balding.

"I'm not entirely sure what to call the person I'm with," I say truthfully, "I assume you're here with a coworker?" I say politely.

"Coworker but also friend, we haven't been getting on too well the last couple of days, we had a fight over who saw a girl first in the bar we go to," he answers and I nod along politely. He continues to go on about how he's much more superior than his friend and better looking and smarter, and just as I'm ready to shoot myself we finally reach the center and I make a bee line for Jade.

"Oh is that your boyfriend? Invite me to the wedding, I can be the flower girl," Jade says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"Alrighty partners, whoever you're here with today, sibling, parent, spouse, ex, friend, coworker, whoever, welcome to our team building facility. For today's activity you'll be working with your partner to be the first pair to finish the scavenger hunt," the man in charge announces.

He begins to go around and hand us all one list of the items to look for and explains to us the different areas across the grounds that the items will be hidden around before blowing a whistle to commence the start.

Jade rips the list in half and gives it to me.

"You go for these and I'll go for these," she says.

"No," I protest, "the whole point of this is that we're supposed to be working together so we should look and find things together," I argue.

"No the point is that we're supposed to be able to work together to win and not let whatever's been screwing over our relationship get in the way of it as in putting our differences aside to do what we need to to win," she counters.

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