Ep 5: From the gallows.

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No ones POV.

The walls of Richmond, Virginia have been blown up and walkers soon poured out into the streets. The citizens all screamed and ran in separate directions to get away from the oncoming horde. As for people like Javi, Y/N and Clementine were standing by the gallows, looking at the destroyed wall and their wrecked getaway truck, that Kate accidentally caused.

Y/N: "Javi, go help Kate! Me and Clem will look for the others!" He nodded at the two now young lovers and ran to help his lover. The kids ran past the gallows, where the saw their friend, Sam, lifeless on the floor after Jone had him executed in front of the whole town. They then looked down an alley way to see their other friend, Ellie, taking cover behind a garbage container and getting shot at by the guards of Richmond.

Clem: "We gotta help her!" Y/N nodded at his girlfriend and they aimed their guns at them and killed all the guards. They ran to her and she stood up to see her friends.

Y/N: "Ellie, you Alright?!"

Ellie: "No! This is so fucked! Where we gonna go?!"

Clem: "We've gotta meet back up with Javi! Have you seen anyone else?"

Ellie: "No, I ran down here after everything went to hell! But I'll tell you this, when I find Elenor, I'm gonna fucking kill her!" Suddenly, a bullet ricocheted of a wall next to them and they took cover behind the trash container.

Y/N: "Let's just find somewhere to hide first, then we'll discuss what to do next!" Y/N then looked down under the container and saw three guards coming up on them. "There's three of them coming up! Ellie, you get the one on the left. Clem, you shoot the middle one from underneath this. I'll get the left one." He says as he hands Ellie his fathers pistol. She took the pistol and Y/N pulled out his rifle. "On my shot." He takes a quick breath and he pops out, shoots the guy on the left. Clem shoots the middle one and Ellie kills the left one. But Ellie keeps on shooting the left one until the pistol ran out of bullets and starts kicking the dead body.

Y/N: "Ellie, you got him! Stop!" He said as he pulled her away from the body. "The hell was that about?!" She hands him back his pistol.

Ellie: "Just making sure." She said Before she ran off and they followed her. When they turned the corner, some walkers were blocking their way. So they climbed up on the gallows and ran for the other side but saw that Ellie was crouched over Sam's body, mourning him.

Clem: "Ellie, we don't have time for this!"

Ellie: "Give me a Goddamn minute!" She then closes his eyes and stood back up to join them.

Javi: "Guys! Over here!" They looked and see Javi, over by a buildings entrance waving to them. They also see David, Kate and Gabe with him, fending off the walkers. The three kids jumped off the gallows and ran inside with them and out of the overrun streets of Richmond.

Later...Y/N's POV.

We finished blocking off the entrance to the streets and all of us are out of breath.

Javi: "This should hold them for a while."

David: "You did great out there, son. You kept your cool-."

Gabe: "I don't care what you think!" He said, crossing his arms away from him.

David: "Gabriela! You don't say that kind of tone to your father!"

Gabe: "You murdered that man and Jone, after they let us walk freely!"

Kate: "You did that?!"

David: "I had to! It was them or us! They still would have killed us! Sooner or later!"

Y/N: "What they didn't know David, is that we had a truck! A TRUCK! To, oh I don't know, get us the fuck out of here!"

David: "How was I supposed to know that?!"

Javi: "Why do you think I took the offer?! You really think we would just walk out into that horde? That truck would've bull dozed over those fuckers! Killing Clint and Jone, wasn't necessary!"

David: "That's how all of you see it! I would do it again, no question!"

Gabe: "I have Clint's brains all over me!" He said as he gestures at his blood stained clothes. David sighs and turns to him.

David: "You are my son. I'm doing what any parent would to keep you save. I'm not gonna lose you like I lost Marina."

Gabe: "Then where were you for the past four years?!" Everyone fell silent to what he said. David opens his mouth but before he could say anything. "NO! Mariana would still be here if you didn't leave us!" He stomps past David and goes upstairs.

David: "Don't you walk away! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" David try's to follow his son but Javi blocks his way.

Javi: "David, calm down!"

Ellie: "Are you really trying to show how big and tough you are to a fourteen year old? *scoffs* "And here I am, thinking that your a badass leader."

David: "He needs to be taught the same way I taught you, Javi."

Javi: "But screaming in his face like a drill sergeant won't teach him anything. Look, we made it through the streets alive. Let's be thankful for that at least."

David: "Let's just...make sure the other entrances are secured. Don't want any walkers getting in here. I'll check the back entrances."

Clem: "I'll go check the sides. Y/N?"

Y/N: "Of course I'll go with you." I look towards Ellie, who looks saddened. I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Wanna go with me and Clem to check the entrances?" She looks up at me with teary eyes.

Ellie: "Sure, I'll go."

Kate: "Me and Javi will go find Gabe."

David: "Alright people. Let's move." He said as he goes down the steps. Javi and Kate go upstairs to find Gabe and me, Clem and Ellie went to check the side entrances.

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