Chapter Six

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Year SA 617

The sun is high up in the sky and Mithlond's harbor is filled with life. Merchants from all over Lindon have gathered here for the yearly harvest festival market. Dimera was walking around together with her friend Iorisdis. Even her friend Tirnel, was with them. Presently she was standing in front of one of the stands. It is filled with yarn and sewing threads. Carefully she touches some of the blue ones. She needed more for the work she still hadn't finished.

"Dimera, come on!"

"I'm coming, Tirnel." She takes some of the blue thread and pays for it before hurrying up to join the others.

"What were you doing?" Iorisdis looks curiously at her.

"I saw these beautiful threads and I needed to have them." Dimera replies and shows her the thread.

"For your kingly gift - the one that you still haven't finished?" Iorisdis teases her.

"It's not finished yet for it's a very big and complicated work." She smiles at her friend.

"At this rate you will never finish it."

Dimera gives Iorisdis a little shove, making her friend laugh at her, and take her arm to carry on their exploring.

"Dimera! Iorisdis!" Tirnel joins up with them. "Shall we go to the east side of the market? I have heard that they have jewelry there."

Iorisdis stops. "You - jewelry? What has happened to you?"

"No for me!" Tirnel defends, a blush forming on their cheeks; "I was thinking that I might find something for my naneth?"

Dimera starts laughing. "She is only teasing you my dear friend ." She smiles at him. "Let us go to the east side and see what we find there." With quick steps she walks ahead of them.

" who is in a hurry?" Iorisdis smiles warmly and both of them hurry up with their friend.


"What do you think of this one?" Tirnel holds up a small, light blue, drop formed crystal necklace.

"You know she doesn't like drops. She likes flowers." Dimera picks up a pink crystal shaped like a snowdrop. "Like this one...Niphredi are her should know that."

Tirnel takes the crystal in his hands and observes it. "Should they not be white?"

"They should, but pink is a color that.."

Tirnel interrupts her. "That suits her. I know, for she is my naneth!"

Iorisdis looks at him. She knew that he wished he could spend more time with his mother, but he was a guardsmen and she was the head of the house of healing. She was lucky, for she could spend time with her parents all day when she was with the guards for they both worked within the military, but Tirnel was not that lucky.

"Tirnel, I'm sorry." Dimera looks down apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"I know and it's alright." He accepts, and turns to the dwarves behind the stand. "I want to buy this one."

Dimera walks away a little bit, letting Tirnel finish his business alone. She spies Caldor coming towards them, immediately she knew something was wrong. Caldor didn't usually walk that far away from her father's office, down at the shipyard. Carefully she whispers to Iorisdis that she will be back shortly, then she quickly walked over to Caldor.

"Lady, I need to speak with you."

"I thought so." Dimera nods and looks up at him. He was really tall. His light blond hair shines like gold in the sunlight and his grey eyes are filled with all the sorrow he had faced in the battle of the Wrath. The great battle that destroyed Beleraind, making it disappear into the waters of Arda forever.

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