Chapter Two

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Year SA 615

The sky is clear and the sun shines over the city. Dimera and her three friends sit in her garden under the trees. Each one of them works on some kind of embroidery.

"I can't believe your father gave you a horse." A young elleth, a woman with dark brown hair says.

"Moriel, are you jealous?" Dimera looks at her.

"No..." Moriel defends and looks down on her work, before sheepishly admitting; "Yes, I am jealous."

"My brothers asked our father to let me learn how to ride. I never asked for a horse of my own, but father is like he is." Erwien removes a strand of her raven black hair from her face and sticks it behind her ear.

Iorisdis smiles at Dimera. "What are you making?"

"A present for the King; he has moved out and I want to give him something." She smiles at the elleth who is her closest friend. They grew up together and it is thanks to her she now is good friends with the other two.

"Meaning you won't be able to see him every day." Moriel looks at her.

"Yes, Moriel." Dimera turns to her handmaiden who stands behind her. "Hassel, can you bring us something to drink?"

"Off course my lady." Hassel obliges and leaves them to their work.

"Speaking of the King," Erwien begins and smiles big. "Are anyone of you going to attend his fancy dinner tonight?"

Moriel shakes her head. "I have to stay home and take care of my father; he is not himself yet after both my mother and his sister sailed to Aman." She looks at Erwien. "Are you going?"

"No, I'm going to help my father at the shipyards. He is invited but I have to work. But I think you will meet my brother Rannon there."

"I will be going." Iorisdis chirps with a smile.

"Your father is an important man in the military so my father made sure you were invited." Dimera smiles in return. "And he wanted me to have at least one of my friends there."

Hassel returns with water that she serves the girls. Behind her comes a servant with a large package.

"Lady Dimera, this is for you." The young ellon says.

"Place it on the table Thanion." Dimera points at the table in front of them. He places the package on the table, bows to Dimera and then leaves. Dimera lets her fingers play over the box before she lifts the lid. Above the paper of silk is a letter.

"Who is it from?" Moriel looks curiously at the letter.

"I don't know." Dimera answers and tentatively picks up the letter.

"Read it out loud so we can hear it." Iorisdis grins extendedly and lays her embroidery on the small table next to her.

Dimera laughs a little and starts reading. "Dear Dimera. I'm looking forward to welcoming you home tonight" A coy smile playing on her lips; "and I hope you will wear this at the Kings dinner. Your friend."

"Friend?" Erwien asks and eyes her accusingly. "Who is this friend?"

"He is very important to me." Dimera answers the other elleth though she feels her cheeks getting a little bit warmer.

"A ellon?" Moriel looks surprised and raises her eyebrows at Dimera.

"Who is he?" Iorisdis asks curiously.

"It's a ellon and Iorisdis, you will meet him at the dinner and then tomorrow you can tell the others about him." Dimera teases them, unwilling to give too much away. She places the letter on her embroidery and folds away the silk. Underneath it lies a beautiful dress. Carefully she takes it up and gasps. The dress is dark blue with a slightly darker hue of embroidery, set off by a beautiful icy blue underdress.

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