Chapter Four

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The sun is slowly going up and Dimera sits on a bench at the harbor. She had spent the whole of yesterday evening and all the night with Gil-galad, and had completely forgotten that she had promised to meet Elrond. With a deep sigh she looks out over the ships before she walks away from the harbor. When she stops, she stands outside Elronds home. She can see that he is awake. Should she knock? She had no idea what to do.

"Lady Dimera, why are you standing out here?" A deep voice says.

Dimera looks up and sees Elrond standing in the doorway. "I..." She doesn't really know what to say. She had let him down. Elrond smiles at her, knowing she blames herself for not coming. "My lady, come inside. Don't worry; I am not angry at you for not coming." He steps aside to let her in. When she doesn't move, he steps outside and places his arms around her. Slowly he guides her inside.

"I'm so sorry for not coming as I promised, Lord Elrond."

"Dimera, it's alright. You haven't seen the King for many years and when two good friends meet again after many years..." He smiles warmly at her. "I know how it is. I do not blame you for forgetting. You are here now, that is what matters."

The warmth in his voice makes her smile. They sit down in the garden.

"Yes, I'm here now and I'm really lost." She almost starts crying, but Elrond places his hand on her shoulder and pulls her close to him.

"I will always be here for you, my lady...Always."

Dimera starts crying into his shoulder.

Many hours later, Dimera leaves Elronds house. The city has really awoken now and its citizens start filling the roads. She was even more confused over her vision now. Slowly she walks up the hills towards her home.


Slowly she closes the door to her bedroom behind her. She was alone in the house. Her father was down in his shipyard, probably building a new ship again and Hassel somewhere doing errands. With ease she takes off her dress and throws it on the bed. She opens her wardrobe and sighs before she takes out her riding outfit. It had taken her years to convince Galadriel to let her wear pants while riding. The one that had actually convinced her were her husband Celeborn.

Dimera puts on the outfit, dark green pants, silvery green under tunic with a moss green over tunic. They were a gift from him, and he is the one who had taught her how to ride. Quickly she untangled her hair and braided it in one simple braid. She places a hand on her pendant, on her way to take it off.

"I think I will keep it on me." Dimera thinks back on the night, the time on the beach. It had been lovely and just wonderful to spend all that time with him. She shakes her head, clearing her mind from him. She needs to feel the wind in her face and forget a lot of things that have happened and she needs to get away from here now.


It's been hours since she left home and the sun is standing high in the sky. Dimera walks slowly beside the horse. She is walking in the forest that lies at the foot of the hills, known as Emyn Beraid, east of the city. It's dangerous for her to be this far away from the city, she knew that. But she is here now and the horse needs to rest so she lets the horse drink from a small stream of water while she sits down on a white rock. She really likes this place, it's calm and peaceful and she lets her mind travel.

Suddenly the horse neighs and brings her back to the present. Something is scaring the horse and Dimera hurries to its side. Carefully she places her hand on its mule. There is danger in the forest, she can feel it.

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