~New encounters~

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What if after Anne was prohibited to be with her bosom friend Diana, she started spending time with Gilbert?

(This story is based in season 1, episode 5)


Anne could not believe it, she was destroyed from inside, she was hurt.

She had just been told that she was no longer allowed to be with her dearest bosom friend, Diana Barry, her kindred spirit.

As soon as Diana and Mis. Barry left, Anne not being able to contain herself, ran outside as fast as she could, not caring that Marilla was calling after her.

She kept on running faster by the minute until she reached the cliff that she always went to.


Gilbert was walking by when suddenly he saw someone running and sobbing, it was Anne, concerned about her, he decided to follow her.

"Anne!", he yelled.

"Leave me alone!"

"Anne wait what's wrong?"

Anne just ignored him, and kept on running, Gilbert followed her.

As Anne got to the very end of the cliff, her knees gave up and she just colander to the ground as she cried in frustration.

As Gilbert reached her he said concerned, "Anne, are you ok?, what's the matter?"

"It doesn't concern you"

"I know it doesn't, but I am worried about you."

"Well I don't need you, and never will!"

Gilbert feeling hurt by those words left slowly and started heading home, of course she doesn't need me he thought, why did I even follow her?


It was Saturday, two days had passed since she couldn't see Diana, and Anne had just finished eating lunch, and was completely bored, she had imagined a story of Princess Cordelia, but without he bosom friend Diana, stories didn't really appealed to her.

Anne didn't have much friends in Avonlea apart form Diana, she had Ruby, but she always spent Saturday afternoon at her grandmas, she had no one else, she might have had Gilbert, if she wouldn't have let her emotions control her, she felt a lump of guilt, and suddenly really sorry about what she had done.

Interrupting her thoughts, Marilla called Anne and asked her if she could go to the market to get some supplies.

Having nothing else to do, Anne happily obliged.


When Anne got to the store she bumped into someone dropping the all the sacks the person was carrying.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking", said Anne, helping pick up the stuff she had just knocked over.

"No worries", said a familiar voice.

When Anne looked up she found Gilbert.

"Gilbert! I am really sorry, what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to get some flour, but apparently I got to much and I am struggling to get it to my house", he said laughing.

"Oh well then I can help you", said Anne, with a kind smile, but still feeling bad about what had happened the other day.

"Um, no it's ok I can take them", said Gilbert, still kind of sad about what had happened in the cliff.

"I insist", said Anne.

Gilbert didn't really want to argue so he agreed.


As they made their way to Gilbert's house, an thought that this might be her chance to apologize.

"Gilbert, I-I am really sorry about the other day-"

"It's ok, it was partly my fault i should have given you privacy."

"No it's not ok, you were being a good friend and I just shot you off because I was sad, and I should have not said what I said, I am so sorry Gilbert."

Hearing this words made Gilbert feel happy. "Did you call me a friend?"

Anne laughed, "Well... yes, of course."

They both smiled and kept on walking.


When they got to Gilbert's house, Anne helped Gilbert set everything up.

By the time they were finished, the sky had darkened.

Gilbert waked Anne home, and they both had a lot of fun taking.

When they got to Green Gables, Gilbert said, "Thank you for helping me, it was nice hanging out with you."

"No problem, I had fun too! We should do this some other time."

This took Gilbert by surprise, "Well uh, sure I'd love to!"

And so they did, they hung out all week, they read together, they cooked together, they did everything together!

A/N: hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will be a part two of this story, so it isn't over yet...take care!

Also it would mean the world to me if yo commented and told me what else should I write about! 😁

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